News from the Counselors

Kevin Callahan

We wish everyone a safe, exciting and enjoyable GCW!  Below are a few notes about schedule changes and thinking about next year’s schedule:


Schedule changes for this semester can only be made for the following reasons and by the following dates:

  1. If a teacher recommends a level change due to misplacement (i.e. Math HL to Math SL, Extended Math to Core Math, Spanish III to Spanish II), a change can be made with counselor, parent and administrative approval.  The original class will not appear on your transcript.  Deadline is Friday, February 14.
  2. Between the fifth and tenth week of a course, if a student needs to move down a level, the dropped course will be listed on the transcript with a WP (Withdraw Pass) or WF (Withdraw Fail).  WP or WF grades are not included in the calculation of GPA nor are credits granted.  The grade calculated in the new course will start fresh and only include work completed for the new course.  Deadline is Friday, March 20.
  3. No level changes afterMarch 20.

Concerning scheduling and choosing classes for the 2020-2021 school year, the following dates are particularly helpful for Grade 10 students and parents (dates in brown are for students, blue for parents with students welcome):


March 2 Course Selection Meeting with Dean of Academics (Panther Block)
March 2-6 Teachers discuss Grade 11/12 course options (in classes)


March 9 Grade 10 Course Information Session & Department Fair (Evening – Parents and Students welcome)
March 9-10 College counselors meet with their assigned Grade 10 students
March 11-17 Course Registration (Online in PowerSchool for all grades
March 20 High School Parent Teacher Conferences (Daytime)



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