ES e-News for February 14, 2020

Feb. 24-28 February Break – No School
We have one more week of school before our February holiday. Classes resume on Monday, March 2.  It will be a ‘F’ Day.  Enjoy the time!

Student-Led Conferences: March 5 – 6 
We are looking forward to seeing you at our Student-Led Conferences on March 5-6. Please access your child’s individual letter containing additional details by logging into your PowerSchool account.  Find “Parent Conference” on the left hand side. At the bottom of the letter you will find the link to schedule conferences through Pick-a-Time. Scheduling for the conferences will open Tuesday, February 18 at 8:00 AM and close Tuesday, March 3 at 2:00 PM. Please note that all appointments need to be scheduled through Pick-a-Time.  If you have trouble logging into PowerSchool, please contact Khun Tom in the ES office, or email her at: 

Before the Conference:  

  • Be prepared to talk to your child about his/her strengths and areas for growth
  • Understand this is the time for your child to take the lead and demonstrate their learning

During the Conference:

  • Use the language with which you are most comfortable
  • Be an active listener
  • Be present (no mobile telephones, emails, texts)
  • Avoid critiquing, instead focus on successes and new learning
  • Ask questions of your child to help them reflect on their learning growth.
  • Be mindful that what might seem small to you, might be a huge accomplishment for your child
  • If your child seems nervous or shy, give them time and/or ask guiding questions about they work they are showing you
  • If you want to take photos, please wait until the end of the conference

After the Conference:   

  • Talk with your child about the conference and develop a plan to implement any strategies that were discussed and goals that were set during the conference
  • Remember to periodically check-in with your child regarding progress toward his/her goals

The Book Fair is Back!  
The ISB ES book fair will be back during ES Student Led Conferences on March 5 and 6.  Leading Bangkok books stores will be present including Asia Books, Kinokuniya and Mambooks 53.  Stop by the HUB or ES MPR from 7:00am-3:30pm March 5 and 7:00 -2:45 March 6

ES Explore (ES After School Activities)
ES Explore program will begin on Monday, February 17th.

Confirmation of ES Explore placements and locations are available on Powerschool.

ES ASA locations and availability will be posted daily outside the CAO (near the bookstore) from Monday, February 17th. 

There are still limited spaces available in some of our ES Explore classes. You can still register at the CAO, but don’t delay! Remember, once the ES Explore schedule begins there are NO REFUNDS, however, you may change your choice once it is before the third session. 

Livnat Ziskinder
ES Explore Coordinator

ES Art Exhibition February 18 – March 27, 2020  
The Elementary Visual Art Team welcomes you to our annual March Exhibition. “A Celebration of Learning” will be on display in clay, collage, construction, sculpture, pastels, paint, printmaking, and more!

Please join us in celebrating the creative work of our students at the exhibition opening on Tuesday, 18 February at 5:30pm in front of Chevron Theatre!

Every K-5 artist is exhibiting and looking forward to sharing their wonderful creations. The Student-Led Conferences on March 5 & 6 will be a wonderful opportunity for your child to show you their work and discuss the learning involved to create it!  The artwork will be displayed in the Chevron Theatre Foyer and throughout the school. We hope you can make it.

ISB ES Art Exhibition
18 February – 27 March 2020
Chevron Theatre Foyer, Administrative Offices, ES Office and other locations throughout ISB

(Repeat) ES Report Cards 
Trimester 2 Report Cards will be ready to view or download through Powerschool on Friday, February 21 at 2pm.  In Trimester 2, the ES report card measures learning in all areas. There are no comments given in Trimester 2.  The report card in Trimester 3 will contain both measures and comments from teachers.

You will need your log-in details for Powerschool to access your child’s report card.  If you experience difficulty, or you cannot remember your log-in details, please contact our Ed Tech department at

(Repeat) Get your tickets! “Little Red: A Multicultural Fairytale”

Take note of the ticket sales dates for this one-of-a-kind musical production! This famous story will be told from the perspective of three different cultures, based on the storybooks “Lon Po Po” (China), “Pretty Salma” (Ghana), and “Petite Rouge” (Cajun/Louisiana). The entire fifth grade will bring this tale to life through movement and music that they have created themselves, as well as through music and dance from each culture. In addition, the set and an exhibition in the foyer will feature grade 5 student artwork that they’ve created in conjunction with the show. There will be two showings: Tuesday, February 18th, AND Wednesday, February 19th, at 6:30 p.m. both days. Ticket prices are 250 THB/adult and 150 THB/child or student. Tickets will be sold in front of Chevron Theatre. 

Ticket Sales Dates and Times 
Monday, February 17, 2:00 – 3:00 p.m.
Tuesday, February 18, 5:45 – 6:30 p.m.
Wednesday, February 19, 5:45 – 6:30 p.m.

(Repeat) Grade 5 Book Sale
We’re back!! We hope with the new decade and New Year resolutions and just plain cleaning, you might find some great books that are sitting around your house and want to give them to a worthy cause! 

The Grade 5 Book Sale: Thursday and Friday, May 7th and May 8th. 

We will start collecting:

  • FICTION books for younger and older readers
  • NONFICTION books (anything still relevant)
  • ANY books for younger readers!
  • Magazines and comics

The box will be found in front of the ES Office/Hub. Please donate! All of the proceeds go to Mercy Centre in Klong Toey.

(Repeat) Coronavirus – How to Talk to Your Child
Here are some talking points to consider when discussing the Coronavirus with your elementary-aged children.  Some children are more interested and have questions, and some are not that interested. We recommend that their questions guide your discussion.

General tips when talking to children:

  • Use developmentally appropriate language.
  • Tell the truth.
  • Be aware of your own emotions around this: if children think you are upset/anxious, then they are more likely to get upset/anxious.
  • Give simple, practical advice.
  • Encourage students to ask adults questions if they have any.

Talking Points for this context:

  • You might have heard about something called the “Coronavirus.”  The Coronavirus is a common virus across the world: both the common cold and the flu are types of the Coronavirus.  There is a new kind of Coronavirus. It is in the news right now. It is an illness that makes people get sick like the flu with a fever and cough.  A majority of people who get sick feel like they have the cold or flu and get better within a week or so.
  • The reason this virus is in the news right now is because a lot of people are getting sick from it. 
  • There are simple things you can do to stay healthy:  wash your hands before eating and use tissues to blow your nose, cough, and sneeze, avoid touching your face, and stay home and see a doctor if you get sick.  
  • Some people feel that because the illness started in China, it means they can’t play with or be around people from China.  Just because someone is Chinese does not mean he/she is sick or can make you sick.  
  • While this particular virus started in China, other viruses in the past have started in other places.
  • Choosing not to play with someone because they are from a certain country is exclusion and not kind.
  • If you are worried or have questions, you should ask an adult.

(Repeat) Follow up From Digital Citizenship Parent Engage on Feb 6
Thank you to all parents who joined us on February 6th for our Parent Engage.  Linked here are our slides and resources that we shared!  

(Repeat) ES PE Swimming 2020
Our swimming unit in PE is just around the corner.  We have a total of three sessions of swimming dates for Elementary School.  Please see the schedule for all classes and sessions. 

Students will be participating in a swimming and water safety unit as part of the Elementary Physical Education (PE) Program.  This unit is designed to promote knowledge and skills in the areas of personal water safety, fundamental strokes, and simple water rescues.  There will be three swimming specialists along with Corry Day, ISB’s Aquatics Director, assisting the PE teacher with the swimming unit. We will also have lifeguards on deck during every class.

The program is designed to help meet the needs of all of the students, and is based on the American Red Cross Learn to Swim program.  Students will be screened and placed in a level that is developmentally appropriate based upon his or her current swimming ability.  

What to bring to PE:

Swimsuit, towel, and goggles clearly marked with the student’s name, to every PE lesson.  Girls are requested to wear a one-piece swimsuit. UV (rash) protective shirts are permitted, but rash shirts need to be properly fitted, as loose rash shirts inhibit swimming efficiency.  Should a student forget to bring a swimsuit, towel, or goggles, they will be provided with one from the aquatics program to be used for the day and this will need to be returned at the end of class. 

Students with long hair need to wear a swim cap or tie their hair back for each lesson.  Students may bring their own sunscreen if they desire. 

In the event of inclement weather, students will have an alternate PE lesson so they need to come each day prepared in their normal PE attire, including athletic shoes and socks. Students may bring crocs or sandals in their swim bag should they choose to wear them after swimming class. 

Swimming is a part of the ISB PE curriculum and full participation is expected.  Any student who is unable to participate in class must inform the PE teacher in writing or via e-mail.  If no notification is received prior to their PE class, they will be expected to participate. 

If you or your child have any questions about the swimming unit please do not hesitate to contact your child’s PE teacher. 

ES PE Team

(Repeat) Gymnastics February Break Camp

Dear gymnasts and parents,

ISB Panther Gymnastics Club is happy to host a gymnastics February Break Camp for all our Kindergarten to HS level gymnasts. The camp is a recreational camp to learn new skills and having fun by doing a lot of tumbling and games that use gymnastics movement. It is not a camp to prepare for a competition or focusing strictly on routines (it is vacation :-).

Date: Monday 24 to Friday 28 of February 2020

Grade 1 & Up
Time: 9 am – 12 pm, 3 hours
Price: 750 THB per day, you can pick the number of days you want

Pre-K 2 – Kindergarten
Time: 1 pm – 3 pm,  2 hours
Price: 500 THB per day, you can pick the number of days you want


  • Please sign up your child HERE 
  • Deadline to register and pay is 19 February, 3pm 
  • Drop the envelope with the correct amount of money, marked with the gymnasts name, in the marked box at the Community & Arts office. You can also pay with a credit card at the Community & Arts office (no extra service charge with Citibank Thailand).
  • The camp is only open to all current members of the ISB Panther Gymnastics Club
  • Once registration and payments have been made, refunds will be allowed for medical reasons only.

Please let me know if you have any questions!

Best Regards,
Torill Haga Olufsen
ISB Gymnastics Coordinator
Mobile and WhatsApp: 06 171 56 800

(Repeat) Girl Scout of Thailand: Food donations needed! 

To help local families in poverty, the Girl Scouts are collecting food and personal hygiene items which are urgently required.  A collection bin will be placed outside the registration office at ISB from Feb 10 to Feb 21. All donated items will be delivered to people who desperately need our support.

Please consider contributing an item from the list of non perishable items below. Your donation will make a real difference to those in need.

Thank you for your donation!

Items required:

  1. Lentils – any color except green
  2. Cooking oil (any)
  3. Rice (any)
  4. Whole wheat flour called “ATTA” 
  5. Sugar (any)
  6. Indian Spices (any)
  7. Milk powder
  8. Milk Powder for babies
  9. Cartons of UHT milk
  10. Tins of beans (red, white, chick pea etc)..
  11. Tins of tomatoes
  12. Washing powder
  13. Personal hygiene items : Soap, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrush, deodorant, sanitary pads, shaving foam

(Repeat) U11 BISAC School Sports Season 3 (Track & Field, Softball)
U11 BISAC teams represent the school in local competitions and are free of charge.
Track & Field starts on Monday 3 February. Coed Softball starts on Monday 17 February. 
To be eligible to play, U11 Athletes should be 8, 9 or 10 on August 1, 2019. 


Track & Field (starts Monday 3 February)
Monday & Thursday 2:35-3:35, Costessi Track
U11 T&F Registration link
U11 T&F Intro letter

Coed Softball (Starts Monday 17 February)
Monday and Thursday 2:35-3:35, Field D
U11 Softball Registration link
U11 Softball Intro letter

(Repeat) After School Supervision
Any elementary school student on campus outside of regular school hours, who is not participating in a school-sponsored event, must be actively supervised by an adult in charge, appointed by the family. This includes being in the elementary Learning Hub (library).

eNews Guidelines
Shelley Bragg

ISB eNewsletters provide a valuable avenue for communication within the ISB parent community. For your convenience, we have provided you with our eNewsletter guidelines below.

Submitting an announcement for publication
ISB accepts announcements from ISB families for potential publication in our eNewsletters. The announcements are generally intended to highlight events that occur at ISB and/or highlight information about ISB.

What to include in the announcement

  • A title for your announcement
  • An email contact for further information

 Where to submit your announcement is for announcements of interest to the entire ISB community. is for Elementary School (ES) announcements of interest to ES families. is for Middle School (MS) announcements of interest to MS families. is for High School (HS) announcements of interest to HS families.

Your announcement will be submitted to the appropriate Principal and/or to our Director of Marketing and Communications for review. ISB reserves the right to determine which announcements will and will not be published, and to edit announcements that are approved for publication.

Frequency of eNewsletter mailings
The ISB eNewsletter that is for the entire community is sent out on Thursdays. Announcements for potential publication in this newsletter must be received by noon on Thursdays.

The ES, MS, and HS eNewsletters are sent out on Fridays. Announcements for potential publication in these newsletters must be received by noon on Fridays.

Calendar of Events
February  2020

Feb. 16 Adult Education Online Registration Closes
Feb. 17 ES Explore Begins (ES After School Activities)
Feb. 18 ES Musical Performance “Little Red: A Multicultural Fairytale” 6:30 pm (Chevron)
  Board of Trustees Meeting 6:00 pm (MPB3)
  Grade 4 Barge Trip to Ayutthaya
  Grade 2 field trip to Rainbow House
  Pick-a-Time Conference Scheduler Opens for Parents 8:00am
Feb.18-Mar.27 ISB ES Visual Art Exhibitions
Feb. 19 ES Musical Performance “Little Red: A Multicultural Fairytale” 6:30 pm (Chevron)
  Grade 4 Barge Trip to Ayutthaya
Feb. 21 ES Report Card Goes Online
  PTA Lost & Found Display
Feb. 24-28 February Break (No school)
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