GCW Begins!

Andy Vaughan

It has been quite the roller coaster ride in the past week with the shift of 168 students from International to Thailand GCW trips. This has required an enormous amount of work from many staff members, quick turnarounds for students and parents and a large dose of flexibility for everyone involved. I want to express my utmost gratitude to our students for how they have handled this news, especially in how adaptable they have been able throughout the changes. 

As your child heads off to the various GCW trips around Thailand, we firmly believe that the experiences they have will stick with them for a lifetime. We also hope that each child will feel challenged in their thinking as they work with the different organisations and cultures and understand these local environments to a much deeper level. We know that service and engagement in local communities actually changes who we are as we develop empathy and gratitude for the incredibly blessed lives we live. 

We look forward to hearing from each of our trips and students and will be in touch via SMS throughout the week with updates for each of the trips. As a reminder, if there is a need to contact your child through the week, please feel free to call Andy Vaughan (087 514 9550) so we can relay a message onto your child’s GCW teacher (there will be times when some groups do not have mobile coverage).

Once again, a special thanks to the many hands that have made GCW work with the constraints that we have been working with over the past weeks and we wish our students a fantastic experience over the coming week. 

Andy Vaughan
High School Dean of Students
+66 87 514 9550

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