Families in Global Transition – Cancelled

We are sorry to inform our community that the Families in Global Transition (FIGT) Conference has been cancelled.

Due to the evolving situation with the 2019-Novel Coronavirus and the difficulties and uncertainties currently surrounding international travel, the FIGT Board of Directors has made the difficult decision to cancel the FIGT 2020 Conference in Bangkok. This decision was made after careful consideration and with an abundance of care and concern for the health and wellbeing of all those involved and the wider global community.

FIGT’s Board is exploring options to enable their community to share the wealth of experience, expertise, research and support that would have been available in Bangkok. They hope to make an announcement about this soon.

FIGT is offering two options for refunds. Attendees can wait until an alternative option is announced and use their registration fee as credit towards its costs, with any balance refunded at that time, OR request a full refund now. Please complete this brief online form to let us know your choice. https://figt.typeform.com/to/nyT0zX

For questions, please email figt2020@figt.org 

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