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Justin Alexander

Dear Parents,

Thank you to the 65 parents who joined us on Wednesday evening to learn more about the changes to GCW for the 2020-21 school year. We were able to share a presentation and answer questions and concerns that have been raised in recent weeks about GCW. Many of these questions were regarding the move of the trips to December and how ISB would support students (particularly seniors) during this time period. 

If you were unable to attend you can see the presentation by clicking on GCW Parent Presentation – Feb 5th. Please see this LETTER for a more detailed explanation of the changes to GCW for 2020/21. We will also share the presentation and the letter with our students and indeed we held grade level meetings during the week to review the main changes for next year. Our wonderful Panther Nation journalists have also released a summary of the GCW changes in the student online magazine which you can read here

Congratulations to all participants and spectators at last week’s IASAS events that took place in Singapore, Jakarta and of course here at ISB. I was so pleased that all of these events went ahead, despite some concerns regarding teams traveling at this time. The energy, great spirit, comradeship and healthy competition that took place over the weekend really underlined the importance and significance of these events to our community and to our sister IASAS schools. 

ISB also experienced great success with our teams both here and away. 

Boys Tennis – Gold
Girls Basketball – Silver
Boys Swimming – Silver
Boys Rugby – Bronze
Girls Tennis – 4th
Girls Swimming – 4th
Boys Basketball – 5th
Girls Touch – 6th

Congratulations to all Season 2 student-athletes and coaches and a huge thank you to all parents that hosted visiting athletes here. 

Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy IFF on Saturday. 

Justin Alexander
HS Principal



Grade 12 IB and Grade 11 Anticipated Mock Exam Schedules

Justyna McMillan

Important information
Grade 12 IB students will be undertaking Mock exams from Wednesday 18th March to Wednesday 25th March, with the Art students having a working session at specific times in the schedule.  Gr 11 Anticipated students are also expected to sit the IB Mock exam for the specific subject they are registered for. The Mock exam schedule for students will be available on PowerSchool this coming week. Please note, morning exams begin at 7:30am and afternoon exams begin at 12:00pm. 

Grade 12 students will all finish formal classes on Friday 24th April and start study leave the following week.  The official IB exams for ISB start on 1st May and go through to 22nd May.  There are IB exams on Thai holidays during this period.

All exams are in MPB with AM (mornings) starting at 7:30am and PM (afternoon) starting at 12noon.



IB Basics for Parents

Justyna McMillan

An information session on the basics of the IB Diploma dated for Tuesday February 11th will at 6:30-7:30pm in MPB1. Please come and learn the basics of the IB Diploma Program and its assessment.



HAL Update on PowerSchool

Justyna McMillan

Your son or daughter’s Habits of Learning grade has been updated on PowerSchool. Please note the first overall Grade Update for Semester 2 will be available on March 16th.



GCW Medication
June Olga D’MELLO 

Dear parents,

Your child will shortly be attending GCW and they have to be well to attend.
A reminder that students are not allowed to carry any medication and self medicate for health and safety reasons.

An exception to this is reliever inhalers for asthma, the expiry date of which should be checked in advance.

If your child requires any prescription or regular over the counter medication administered, please print and complete the attached consent form and provide it with the medication, to the ISB Health Centre by February 12th 2020.

All medication submitted must be in its original packaging with the student’s name, instructions in English or Thai, and expiry date clearly visible.

Prescription medication must have the prescription label attached.

If your child has anaphylaxis, we can use the EpiPen/s and antihistamines we already have for your child in the Health Centre. 

Two epipens must be provided for all trips off campus and the expiry date of second EpiPens carried by students must be checked by nursing staff by the deadline above.

Please email the clinic in advance on if you have any queries or are unable to submit medication by the deadline. 

Medication will not be accepted on the day of the trip and last minute prescription changes are not advisable. 

Thank you very much for your understanding and cooperation in advance.


Kind Regards,
June D’Mello
ISB Health Co-ordinator




News from the Counselors
Kevin Callahan

There are many events and information sessions for students and parents regarding course selection for the coming school year.  Here are some timelines, as things happen pretty quickly as the semester moves on:


Grade 8 to 9 Course Selection

March 3 – Presentation to Grade 8 Students (Dean of Academics & Counselors) 11:00 – 11:30 A.M. (CC Theater)
March 3 – Parent Presentation – 6:30 PM (CC Theater)
March 4 – Follow up email – Planning sheet / PowerPoint from presentations
March 10 & 11 – Classroom Visits – counselors and current 9 th graders (during Science classes)

March 10 – Video tutorial sent on how to navigate Powerschool course sign up
March 11 – 17 – Course registration period.
April 30 – 8th & 9th Grade mixer during Advisory – 10-25 – 10:55


Grade 9 to 10 Course Selection
March 5 – Grade 9 Student Presentation –10:25 (CC Theater)  (the course selection moving from 9 to 10 is the least complicated)


Grade 10 to 11 Course Selection
The transition from Grade 10 to 11 is the time when students have the greatest selection of courses to choose from.  
(Parents are encouraged to join the events in bold.)

February 6 – Pathways Career Fair
February 11 – IB Basics for Parents (evening)
February 13 – Grade 10 & Grade 11 Student Mixer (Advisory)

March 2 – Course Selection Mtg with Mrs. McMillan, Dean of Academics (Panther Block)

March 2-6 – Teachers discuss G11/12 course options (in classes)
March 9 – G10 Course Information Session and Department Fair (Evening)

March 9 and 10 – College counselors meet with their assigned G10 students

March 11-17 – Course Registration (Online in PowerSchool)

March 20 – HS Parent Teacher Conferences (Daytime)

A quick note: the course registration process – March 11-17 – is not first come, first served.  While we don’t advise that your student wait until the last minute to register, they don’t need to worry about getting their classes as long as they register within that March 11-17 timeline.  As always, feel free to ask your student’s counselor if you have any questions about the scheduling process. 

Schedule changes can only be made for the following reasons and by the following dates:

  1. If a teacher recommends a level change due to misplacement (i.e. Math HL to Math SL, Extended Math to Core Math, Spanish III to Spanish II), a change can be made with counselor, parent and administrative approval.  The original class will not appear on transcript.  Deadline is Friday, February 14.
  2. Between the fifth and tenth week of a course, if a student needs to move down a level, the dropped course will be listed on the transcript with a WP (Withdraw Pass) or WF (Withdraw Fail).  WP or WF grades are not included in the calculation of GPA nor are credits granted.  The grade calculated in the new course will start fresh and only include work completed for the new course.  Deadline is Friday, March 20.
  3. No level changes afterMarch 20.

Jackie Valenzuela




News from College Counselor

Andrew Weiser

Successful Parent Coffees

Thank You Parents for three successful Parent Coffees to the Japanese, Korean and Thai communities.

Student Led Junior Conferences

The Student Led Junior Conference are individual meetings that include the student, parents and college counselor.  These should be scheduled during February.  Please ask your child about these meetings and identify several possible dates/times for the conference.


Many university decisions will be coming in February and March.  Seniors should inform their College Counselor about all decisions. 

Important: The student must tell the College Counselor which university he/she will attend! Students should deposit to ONE university and ISB will send one final transcript to the “attending” university. 

Summer Programs

If students are interested in summer programs, now is the time to start researching. Please see this LINK for a database of programs.  Please understand it is the students (and parents) responsibility to research these programs.  

Upcoming University Visits:

Sophia University: Thursday, February 13   10:55 – 11:40am

Savannah College of Art and Design: Friday, February 14   10:55 – 11:40am

University of Exeter event,  Mandarin Oriental in Bangkok, Friday 21st February between 6:30pm – 8:30pm.

All prospective Exeter students are very welcome to attend. However places must be booked online in advance, please see the invite attached.

For a complete list of University visits please use this link (Link to Calendar)


Food donations needed! 

Debbie Gunderson 

To help local families in poverty, the Girl Scouts are collecting food and personal hygiene items which are urgently required.  A collection bin will be placed outside the registration office at ISB from Feb 10 to Feb 21. All donated items will be delivered to people who desperately need our support.

Please consider contributing an item from the list of non perishable items below. Your donation will make a real difference to those in need.

Thank you for your donation!

Items required:

  1. Lentils – any color except green
  2. Cooking oil (any)
  3. Rice (any)
  4. Whole wheat flour called “ATTA” 
  5. Sugar (any)
  6. Indian Spices (any)
  7. Milk powder
  8. Milk Powder for babies
  9. Cartons of UHT milk
  10. Tins of beans (red, white, chick pea etc)..
  11. Tins of tomatoes
  12. Washing powder
  13. Personal hygiene items : Soap, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrush, deodorant, sanitary pads, shaving foam



IASAS Music CC Showcase Performances

Anthony Giles

2:45pm Feb. 11 and 12, 2020 in MS/HS Choir Room: The annual ISB CC Music Showcase Performances will be held in the MS/HS Choir Room on both Tues. Feb. 11th and Wed. Feb. 12th beginning at 2:45 pm. Delegates from the four music areas, choir, band, strings and piano, will be performing their solos and ensembles which they will also perform at the Cultural Convention here in Bangkok in early March (6 &7) for adjudication. Audience members may come and go throughout the program between performances as necessary. Come out and support our wonderful music students as they prepare for the 2020 Music Cultural Convention at ISB. The recital is free of charge and all are welcome. 



IASAS Dance/Drama/Tech CC Showcase 

Anthony Giles

Performances 3:30 and 6:00pm Thursday, February 13, 2020 CC Theatre



Host Families Needed for IASAS Music Delegates

Anthony Giles

 March 5-9, 2020

As you know, IASAS events depend upon the goodwill and generosity of our ISB families to host visiting delegates and teams. This reciprocal exchange adds immense value to our programs and provides a unique opportunity to develop new friendships and strengthen connections across international communities. The IASAS Music Cultural Convention held Thursday, March 5, 2020 through Monday, March 9, 2020 is a huge event involving over one hundred and fifty delegates from all six IASAS schools. Please sign up HERE immediately to host. As a reminder, all 2019-20 IASAS participants in athletics or activities are required to host at least once per season. Participants in supporting programs like Arts Council and Tri-M, or Junior Varsity teams are also asked to help. Thank you in advance for opening up your home to our IASAS guests.


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