ES Explore – Spring, 2020 Providing active, creative, diverse and collaborative opportunities for all students.

Pardon our progress! There are some exciting changes in the works for the ES Explore sign up process and we would love for you to celebrate with us, and to learn more about the online registration and payment platforms being introduced. Please swing by the Community and Arts office for an ES Explore Open House anytime between 8:00am and 3:00pm on Monday, January 27 to learn more, and to sign your kids up for one of the many courses on offer this spring. Cheers!!!

The new ES Explore Booklet will be available online HERE starting today with the new registration site open online from 3:00pm Friday, January 24 through 3:00pm Wednesday, February 29. ES Explore courses begin the week of Monday, February 17.

Livnat Ziskinder
ES Explore Coordinator

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