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Message from the Principal

Justin Alexander

Dear Parents,

I’m sure Monday morning was a busy time at home with your children getting out of bed and heading back to school, but by lunchtime here at school there was a buzz around campus with students catching up with friends and getting back into the business of learning. As mentioned last week, we have the excitement of IASAS to look forward to and the fast-approaching GCW week just prior to the new February break. 

You may have heard that we will now be hosting IASAS Tennis (Boys) alongside IASAS Swimming due to the Tennis being moved away from ISM due to disruptions taking place there with regards to the volcano. Our Tennis girls will travel to Singapore and we look forward to being great hosts (as always) for our visiting swimmers and boys tennis players. 

Have a great weekend. 
Justin Alexander
High School Principal


GCW Parent Meeting 

Andy Vaughan

There has been a lot of interest in the changes that are planned for GCW next school year, in particular regarding the change to December for all trips starting 2020. The High School Administration are holding an additional evening meeting for parents regarding these changes and the steps in place to ensure the change is successful. Please reserve 6.00pm on Wednesday 29 January for this parent meeting if you are interested in attending.

Justin Alexander, Andy Vaughan, Justyna McMillan


Grade 12 IB Predicted Grades
Justyna McMillan

The January 15th updated IB Predicted Grades for Year 2 students have been uploaded onto PowerSchool on the Quicklookup.  IB Predicted Grades are an estimate of student performance based on a ‘body of evidence’ of the student’s work and the teachers knowledge of IB assessment standards.


IB Mock Exam Schedule
Justyna McMillan

Students who are registered to take IB exams this May will sit Mock Exams on March 18th-25th.  The individual student schedule will be available on PowerSchool within the coming weeks.  


TEDx Youth@ISBangkok:  

Maggie Hagen

Please join members of our 11th-grade class as they share their insight at our 8th Annual ISB TEDx event. Stand Up and Be Counted, this year’s theme, enables students to voice perspectives on issues that matter. The 2020 speeches range in topics from technology manipulation to politics, and youth empowerment  

Please join us!

January 23rd, 6:30 p.m.  

CCT Building, ISB 


News from College Counselor
Andrew Weiser

Grade 11
Thank you to those who attended Junior Parent College Night.  Please see the below attachment to the PowerPoint.

Parent Coffee
The next Parent Coffee is Monday, January 20.  The topic is U.S. College Admissions 101

On January 27 the Grade 11’s will have their Junior Seminar #3.  The Student Led Junior Conference will be the point of focus.  FYI- These conferences will be scheduled in February and March (Student, Parents and College Counselor)

Upcoming University Visits:

Ecole hoteliere de Lausanne

Wednesday, January 22⋅10:55 – 11:40am

For a complete list of University visits please use this link (Link to Calendar)


News from HS Counselors
Jackie Valenzuela 

Welcome back!  We hope your student’s first week of Semester 2 has started well.  Most students’ schedules are set and they are happy with their placements.  Next Wednesday, January 22 is the last day to make schedule changes.  

A buzz topic in education the last several years has been “Growth Mindset versus Fixed Mindset”.  We hope our students are developing habits that encourage a positive view on personal growth.  Risks and even failure are valuable for personal growth.  

Here is a link to an article on the topic:  Growth Mindset

Jackie Valenzuela
High School Counselor


New Name, New Year!

Anthony Giles

 PantherPalooza at the Panther Commons Stage – HS Lunch Friday, February 7, 2020

Calling all students and staff for Arts Council’s PantherPalooza, HS Lunch, February 7, 2020. Join us on the Panther Commons Stage between field “D” and The Grind by signing up HERE (deadline Friday, January 31) to share a short tune, dance, or lay down some slam poetry! Performances should be five minutes or less and backing tracks are welcome. Hope to see you there!!! 


Light Up Night at The Panther Commons
Anthony Giles

  Friday evening, February 7, 2020

Get ready for a cozy evening of performances, snacks, and human rights at Light Up Night! Light up Night is an event hosted by If you would like to perform (whether that be singing, dancing, making a speech, etc.), please sign up HERE by February 1st. Clubs that are interested in setting up a booth to promote your cause or sell a product, please sign up HERE by February 1st.



Art Studio Saturday
Trista Meisner /Anthony Giles /

Take time to connect and create. 

It’s your last chance to register!
Art Studio Saturday is designed to enrich the ISB community through the intellectual and creative thoughts and actions of its participants. This year’s second and final event is scheduled from 10:00am – 2:00pm on Saturday, 1 February 2020, in the Visual Art Quads. 

The focus of this session is on all things metallic! We will be glazing and firing using the unique raku firing method and creating photographic salt prints!

Hosted by the ISB Visual Art Department with support from the ISB PTA & Boosters, Art Studio Saturday is open to students (grade 4 and up), parents, staff and teachers at ISB. Spaces are limited and will be based on a diversity of ages and experiences. Register HERE on or before Monday, 20 January and deposit the 1000THB per person participation fee to the Community and Arts Office by Wednesday, 22 January. 

Family discounts available:
3 family members = 2500b
4 family members = 3000b
5 family members = 3500b

For more information please email:, or

Register here!

Art Studio Saturday
Saturday, 1 February 2020
Visual Art Quad



Gymnastics Registration
Punnanunt (Fon) Wisuppakan

Semester 2 – January to June 2020

For registration, we still have a few spots available:

  • K to Grade 2 beginner: Monday & Wednesday 2:35 pm – 3:35 pm
  • K to Grade 2 all level: Friday 2:35 pm – 4:35 pm
  • K to Grade 2 all level: Saturday 9 am – 11:00 pm
  • Grade 1 and up all level: Wednesday 3:40 pm – 5:40 pm
  • Grade 1 and up all level: Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 4:40 pm – 6:40 pm 
  • Grade 1 and up, Level 1 -3 : Saturday 9:00 am to 11:00 am
  • Grade 1 and up, Level 4 & up, Saturday 12 pm to 2 pm

Please consult the schedules, prices and the registration link here.

Tumbling Gymnastics training – Open spots on Wednesdays and Fridays

We are offering a special Tumbling Gymnastics training for MS students with or without any experience in gymnastics. Your child like parkour, is jumping constantly, writing on snapchat and doing handstand at the same time, or dream to do a double flip on the dive board, well let’s sign her/him for the LEARN TO FALL, LEARN TO FLY PROGRAM; a secure and inspiring environment to explore and learn great skills: Wednesday: 3:40 pm – 5:40 pm and/or Friday: 3:40 pm – 5:40 pm. Every MS student can enjoy gymnastics even if they never did it.

If you have any questions please email me at

Best regards,

Torill Haga Olufsen

ISB Panther Gymnastics Coordinator


Community Activities Survey 
Lucas Rivera

Welcome back and Happy New Year! Thank you in advance for providing feedback as we work together to improve the programs we offer through the Community and Arts Office here at ISB. 

Link for survey:

Lucas P. Rivera
Community Sports Manager 
+66 (0) 62 658 0761



ISB Summer School Program
Maurilio Baron- Toaldo

Dear Parents,

During this school year, we have conducted a review of our ISB Summer School Program. I’d like to share with you some information on decisions that have been made so far, a quick overview of what we are anticipating the program to look like this coming summer and to ask if you could please take a few minutes to complete the enclosed survey to provide us with some feedback that we will use to help us further in our revision process.

Click here to see the information and for the link to access the survey.

Best Regards,
Maurilio Baron-Toaldo
Summer School Director



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