ISB Gymnastics registration for the 2nd semester

Torill Haga Olufsen

Dear parents,
ISB Gymnastics registration for the second semester (January to June 2020) is open.

Please find the link to register your gymnast for the second semester S2 Gymnastics Registration.

Few information for a smooth registration:

  • You can consult semester II schedule and feesHERE.
  • If some classes are full, please email me and we will support you.
  • Be sure to complete the registration until the end of the process. You should receive an email confirmation, if you did not receive one, it means you did not complete fully all requested fields (or entered the wrong email).
  • Payment is accepted in January only(please don’t come to Community & Arts Office before January for payment).

If you have additional questions about enrollment, please feel free to contact me. On behalf of the entire coaching staff and the ISB Community and Arts Office, we thank you for your collaboration and we look forward to continuing to work with your gymnast in 2020!

Best Regards,
Torill Haga Olufsen
ISB Gymnastics Coordinator
Mobile and WhatsApp: 06 171 56 800

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