ISB All School eNews

Holidays School Closure

ISB will be on Winter Break starting Saturday 21 December until Monday January12th. During the holiday, staffing and supervision will be limited. Below are the days and times the campus will be open to the community:

– Saturday December 21st through Tuesday December 24th: 7:00am – 6:00pm

– Wednesday December 25th through Wednesday January 1st: CAMPUS IS CLOSED

– Thursday January 2nd thorough Sunday January 12th: 7:00am – 6:00pm

– Monday January 13th, 2019: School resumes normal hours. The campus access guidelines can be found here.

Please have a safe and enjoyable holiday.

Marc de Vries
Deputy Head of School for Learning

PTA Welcome Events for New and Returning Parents

Week One : January 2020

Welcome Wai Coffee with PTA and Friends!
Monday Jan 13, 7:30 AM.
It’s the first day back! Follow the noise up to “the top of the xig zag” in MPB 1 as the PTA kicks it off with coffee, conversation and fun. New families will have a chance to get connected as we mingle with new and returning parents, and our friends from the NNR, Bumble Bee Free Library, “After the Boxes,” Board of Trustees and others from ISB leadership

New Family School Orientation 
Monday Jan 13, 8:30 AM.
Welcome to ISB! From the Welcome Wai coffee, new families will join scheduled tours with ISB administration. Get useful information for your student’s successful launch. This is an opportunity to get answers to questions that might have come up in the transition to a new school or perhaps a new country.

First  Middle School PTA Meeting
Thursday Jan 16, 9:00 AM.
Families with students in middle school are welcome to attend this meeting to meet MS Principal Harter and Vice Principal Plantecoste. You’ll also have a chance to learn about all of the upcoming and regularly scheduled MS programs and events including socials, the class trip and the Wild Panthers Outdoor Education Program. Location: MPB “Top of the Zig Zag”

First Friday with Andy
Friday Jan 17, 8:00 AM.
This is your opportunity to get to know Headmaster Dr. Andrew Davies in an informal setting as he makes himself available for conversation with community on the first Friday of each month. Please join him in the “Orange Room” near the admissions area! He would love the opportunity to talk to new and returning families.Get ready. This is just the beginning 

The Young Americans at ISB – Open Spaces

We still have spaces available for The Young Americans workshops at ISB! They will be offering workshops in dance, music and performance. Register Today!

On January 25th and 26th 2020, we will be hosting the world-renowned performance art group, The Young Americans, who will offer workshops for students from Grade 1 to Grade 12. The Young Americans is a non profit organization that started in 1962 with the vision of using music, dance and performance to create understanding and goodwill around the world. 

Chinese Food Fair – Jan. 21st, 2020

Come join us to celebrate Chinese New Year and welcome the year of Rat! The Chinese Food Fair will be held on January 21, 2020, in the MS&HS cafeteria area. Our Chinese community will prepare various traditional Chinese food, and all food is freshly cooked. Don’t miss this great event. The time is between 9:30 am – 12:30 pm.Cash accepted only.By: Hang QU

International Tables at IFF 2020

The International Tables at IFF were designed with our smaller communities in mind. Please consider participating!

It will be a great chance to showcase your national cuisine and specialties without having to commit to your own booth.

For the International Table at IFF, cooking just one batch of your preferred recipe is fine!

You can decorate your space allocation should you wish to and you do not have to stay at the table!

If you are travelling home for the break, then please consider contributing some of your local food or gift items. (And if you’re staying here and have visitors from home then perhaps ask them to bring something.)

We can put together a “country basket” or have your items included in the silent auction.

There are also spots available for children who would like to join the Unity Performance on the day.

Please use this link to sign up for IFF 2020 and the Unity Performance 
Over the Rainbow/What a Wonderful World Medley

Thank you very much for all you do for the ISB Community. 

Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any additional questions.
Clare Chen or Bettina Bremsteller

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