One of the highlights of each Middle School year is the Middle School Olympics, put on by our MS P.E. teachers. The event is designated a host country or region each year which provides a theme for the day. This year the host nation is Thailand.
The MS Olympics are scheduled for Thursday, December 19th. The Opening Ceremony begins in the morning at 7:30 AM in Rajendra Hall and culminates with the lighting of the torch on Field A. We invite parents to join the audience on the day.
There will also be two earlier special events that students may have chosen to participate in:
- MS Biathlon – 7:30 AM, December 13th, New Sports Complex
- MS Mile Run – 7:30 AM, December 18th, Track and Field
Students are divided by PE teachers into 4 color teams and engage in events throughout the day with their grades, participating in fun team games, cultural games, and track & field events. Participation earns points for the teams and it ends with a tug-o-war before the end of the school day.
If you have time on the day, we encourage you to come check out the opening ceremony, but also leave your child to participate in the event without parents hovering over them.