Kevin Davy
In the next week the school will be looking at semester courses and any adjustments we have to make. You might want to be aware of the following:
If you are planning to move to a different school in Grade 10 you should ask any school you might move to (if you know it) what their science requirements are. In the past we have had some 9th graders take the same science course at the next level. This is because sometimes students need a full year of Chemistry or Biology to transfer. This is often the case when transferring to the U.S.A.
The master schedule is tight and while there is not a lot of flexibility for movement to accommodate changed electives, we will certainly do our best to accommodate your student’s needs.
9th graders -should think about your Freshman Seminar / Free Period this semester – how has that helped balance of time and commitments? Over half students elect for the free period. If students find that they have a full schedule and they would like their counselor to take an elective out for a free period – let the counselor know as soon as possible. Students can also change this in the second semester up to the first 8 days of school if they find that a free period would be beneficial with their scheduled life at ISB.
If any students want to change electives for the second semester, they should see their counselor as soon as possible. Most elective classes are full, so there is limited movement possible, so hopefully students are happy with their second semester schedule!
There are no end of year Final Exams in a “testing hall” setting this semester, but there will still be many summative and final projects that will be taking place in the classroom. Teachers have been trying to not schedule all at the same time during these last two weeks of school. Even with this approach many students will have to manage their time well in preparation for the forthcoming spell of final summative assessments. This weekend it might be good to ask your student to share their plan of preparation for these last two weeks of school before the holidays. Where did the semester go?!!!!