International Tables at IFF 2020

The International Tables at IFF were designed with our smaller communities in mind. Please consider participating!

It will be a great chance to showcase your national cuisine and specialties without having to commit to your own booth.

For the International Table at IFF, cooking just one batch of your preferred recipe is fine!

You can decorate your space allocation should you wish to and you do not have to stay at the table!

If you are travelling home for the break, then please consider contributing some of your local food or gift items. (And if you’re staying here and have visitors from home then perhaps ask them to bring something.)

We can put together a “country basket” or have your items included in the silent auction.

There are also spots available for children who would like to join the Unity Performance on the day.

Please use this link to sign up for IFF 2020 and the Unity Performance 
Over the Rainbow/What a Wonderful World Medley


Thank you very much for all you do for the ISB Community. 

Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any additional questions.
Clare Chen or Bettina Bremsteller

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