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Justin Alexander

Dear Parents, 

Congratulations are due for all of our thespians, sound technicians, backstage crew and talented teachers and support staff for the 3 wonderful performances of ‘Blue Stockings’ this week in the CCT. A realistic set and great acting performances brought the story to life for all audience members. Well done. 

We wish our IASAS athletes all the best this week as they begin competitions this afternoon in their exchange tournaments. We are hosting basketball at ISB, so please come along and support them in our invitational event. Thank you to our families that are playing the role of host families this weekend to our visiting basketball players.

Have a great weekend and see you in the Rajendra – games involving ISB start at 4.15pm right though until 9 pm.

Justin Alexander
High School Principal



GCW Parent Information
Andy Vaughan

Meeting next Wednesday

We are hosting a GCW Parent Information Meeting this coming Wednesday 27 November from 9-10.30am in MPB 2. 

The agenda of this meeting we cover the following topics:

  • How are ISB GCW trips planned to run safely?
  • We will also have a visiting doctor from International SOS to share information about how we provide medical and safety support for our trips through International SOS. 
  • Budgets and costs… where does your money go for GCW trips?
  • Proposed changes to GCW for next school year and why these changes are being made. 
  • Open question time

We hope you can join us for this meeting!



June D’Mello

With the upcoming GCW trips, it is important that your child is adequately immunised for these trips. For your reference, please see attached list of recommended vaccines from International SOS Bangkok for the areas/countries your child may be travelling to during GCW.

Please note the following;

  • vaccines listed are recommended and not compulsory.
  • childhood vaccines should be up to date, especially tetanus.
  • your child will need to consult with a physician of your choice before vaccines are prescribed and administered. Please ensure you take your child’s vaccination record with you as this history is important.
  • your child must be well to receive any vaccines.

AETNA Family Clinic in Nichada have agreed the following for ISB students attending GCW;

  1. They will wave the consultation fee for individual vaccination consultations.
  2. Provide special discount, up to 10% off on series of required vaccines.
  3. Conduct group consultation/vaccine review at Nichada Clinic on Monday, Thursday, and Fridays.

Please call 02 960 4216 to make an appointment in advance and please note that not all vaccines are stocked and may have to be ordered.

ISB has no formal affiliation with AETNA and any queries or questions should be handled with the clinic directly.  

Kind Regards,
June D’Mello
ISB Health Co-ordinator


Mathematics Workshop
Justyna McMillan

On Monday, December 9th, we will be running a Math Specific Workshop and Q&A for HS parents. This workshop provides an opportunity to address some of the questions that have been raised at the Principal’s Forum, including queries regarding 9th Grade Maths, pathways & alignment with IB, non-IB options for mathematics including AP Calculus. The workshop will be held from 9:30-11:00 AM, location to be determined.  



News from HS Counselors
Kevin Callahan

This article is a great reminder of what our kids face everyday as it relates to social media.  Quite
different from the experience of previous generations growing up.  If you read it, it could generate a great dinner table discussion with your students.  It’s tough being a young person these days!

Things aren’t what they used to be….


News from College Counselor
Debbie McDowell

As we approach the December break, all G12 students need to finalize their university applications with their college counselors before the December break if the application deadline is before 15 February. Please encourage your child to check in with the counselor about a time to review essays, look over the application for completeness and correctness, and submit the application to the university.

Grade 11 students will attend the Junior Seminar #2 on Monday, 25 November, during Panther Block.  Students will be looking at Mission Statements and begin writing their own mission statement. 


Derrick Quinet

Our whole Panther community is getting pumped up for next weekend and our SEASON TWO – SPIRIT NIGHTFriday, Nov. 29. 

ISB will host an international rugby tournament, a touch festival, varsity and JV tennis matches, a dual swim meet, and JV basketball, all under the lights at ISB. The night will be complete with a BOUNCY CASTLE and POSTER MAKING, all supported by the Varsity Council and Booster Club. 

Don’t miss all the excitement, food and fun here on campus the next two weekends, and good luck to all our Panther teams traveling out for IASAS Exchange tomorrow!


Derrick Quinet

Good luck to all our IASAS varsity teams traveling out to exchange this weekend. The rugby team heads north to TAS, while the swim team and touch team go south to Singapore. The boys tennis is in Jakarta, while the girls tennis is in Kuala Lumpur. Keep an eye out for results and highlights. You can find more information at

ISB hosts the IASAS Basketball Exchange this weekend, with an additional four visiting schools adding electricity to the mix. Don’t miss the Panthers’ Friday night highlight matches against ISKL and ISM, at 6:45pm and 8pm. Check the schedule, and we’ll see you at the games. 


Go Panthers!


CAS and PE classes
Becky Hansberry


All 11th and 12th graders are required to complete the CAS program: Creativity, Activity and Service. As part of this program, students need to do at least one experience in each strand in 11th grade and again in 12th grade.  The Activity experience, referring to physical activity, is often the strand that students find challenging. In order to ensure that students fulfill the Activity requirement, we are asking all students to identify their intention on Managebac by November 30th.  If students do not have their plans for an Activity experience on Managebac by this date, then they will be assigned to take a 2nd semester PE class for CAS credit. Activity experiences can be any physical exercise such as an ISB team sport, swimming, running, using the ISB gym, taking a fitness class outside of ISB, anything that meets regularly and has an adult (non parent) supervisor who can verify the student’s participation.  If they are part of a 3rd season sport, a fitness class, or similar activity that hasn’t started yet, they should enter that on Managebac to show their intentional plan. 


MS Band Concert 
Anthony Giles

6:30pm Tuesday, November 26, 2019 Chevron Theater 

Please join our MS band students for their annual fall concert featuring the music selections from The Lion King. The concert will feature students in the Beginning, Concert and Symphonic Bands. The concert takes place on Tuesday, November 26 in the Chevron Theater.  Performances will begin promptly at 6:30pm and end before 7:30pm.  Cake reception to follow. Admission is free!



ES/MS/HS Strings Bash
Anthony Giles

6:30pm Monday, December 2, 2019 Chevron Theater 

On Monday, December 2nd, over 110 string musicians from 3rd-12th grade will join together for the annual Strings Bash. This event is a wonderful display of commitment, community, and musicianship. Come out to see the ES, MS, and HS String Orchestras under the direction of Adrianna Gricius, on Monday, December 2nd at 6:30pm in the Chevron Theater. Cake reception to follow. Free Admission.


ISB Community Choir Concert
Anthony Giles

6:30pm Wednesday, December 4, 2019 Chevron Theater

Please join the MS Choirs, High School Choirs, Choral Union, Bangkok Music Society, and Immanuel Orchestra at 6:30pm Wednesday, December 5 in the Chevron Theater for ISB’s annual Community Choir Concert, featuring the Thailand premiere of the Sunrise Mass. Cake reception to follow

Admission is free!


HS Holiday Band Concert
Anthony Giles

6:30pm Tuesday, December 10, 2019 CC Theater

The ISB Bands will be presenting a Holiday Concert for your enjoyment on the evening of Tuesday, December 10th, at 6:30 pm in the

Cultural Center Theater.  This concert will feature the HS Wind Ensemble, Jazz Band and the Guitar Class.  Holiday favorites along with other music will be performed.  In addition to holiday carols, the emphasis will be on fun and upbeat music as the wind ensemble will play a medley of hits by Earth, Wind and Fire, and the jazz band will take us through several songs from the dixieland era of early jazz. Come enjoy many of your favorite holiday classics along with popular songs from other eras as we celebrate the holiday season.  Opening the concert will be our HS guitar ensemble class with a selection of familiar songs. The concert is free admission, and all are invited! Cake reception to follow.


Anthony Giles

6:00pm-8:00pm December 19th marks the time and date for HS Arts Council’s annual Artists Under the Stars event. Get ready for a cozy evening of awesome performances and holiday themed snacks! All are welcome. If you would like to perform, please sign up HERE by December 6.



NEW DATE: Open Mic at The Panther Commons Stage

Anthony Giles


HS Lunch Friday, December 8 Calling all students and staff for Arts Council’s second Open Mic session of the year, HS Lunch, December 6, 2019. Join us on the NEW Panther Commons Stage between field “D” and The Grind by signing up HERE (deadline Friday, November 29) to share a short tune, dance, or lay down some slam poetry! Performances should be five minutes or less and equipment provided will be limited to microphones only. Backing tracks are welcome. If you intend to use live instruments, plan on acoustic and hand held percussion. Hope to see you there!!! 






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