Cafeteria News…Thanksgiving- November 28th

MS/HS Cafeteria  10:00 a.m.

November brings us the celebration of Thanksgiving, a time when we are reminded to be in gratitude for our plenty and our bounty. For the past 12 years now, it has become a custom to serve this traditional Thanksgiving Feast at the MS/HS Cafeteria on Thursday Nov 28 starting at 10:00am. The delightful menu will include: Maple Glazed Chicken Legs, Honey Glazed Ham, Water Chestnut Cranberry Stuffing, Holiday Gravy, Cranberry Apple Sauce, Mashed Potatoes, Brussels Sprouts, Spinach Bake and Apple Pie, all for only 180 B.  It is the MOST popular meal of the entire year.  Take note: should your MS/HS child wish to partake in this celebration, please ensure that their campus cards are topped up so as not to disappoint.  Parents are also welcome to partake in the festivities!  Enjoy.

By:  Michelle Ihrig

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