Influenza Prevention

Influenza is now prevalent throughout the year in Thailand and it is not uncommon to see an increase at this time of year.

Please see advisory for further information and note that the “CDC recommends a yearly flu vaccine as the first and most important step in protecting against influenza and its potentially serious complications”.

AETNA family clinic in Nichada are offering the following discounts for the northern hemisphere flu vaccine to ISB staff, students, and their parents;

  1. L package         :   4 persons up will be charged at THB 1,000 per shot
  2. M package         : 2-3 persons will be charged at THB 1,200 per shot
  3. S package         : 1  person will be charged at THB 1,390 per shot

All prices are inclusive of doctor/nursing fee and facility fee.

by June D’Mello, ISB Health Co-ordinator

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