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Justin Alexander

Dear Parents,

As we continue to develop the ISB learner attributes and ISB values in our students and community it was wonderful to be able to spend yesterday on the Habitat for Humanity house project. The student officers of our wonderful Habitat for Humanity club (over 80 students belong to this club), organized the first-ever ‘House that ISB built’ build this week. The organization, drive and spirit and energy of the student leaders to have all of the ISB community involved in this build is simply inspirational. 

Over the course of the next four days, members of the ISB community starting with the ISB leadership team will be building a house for a Thai family in need. The members of that family also pitch in and help with the building along with members of the Thailand branch of the Habitat for Humanity organization. In the next four days of the build, we will see parents, teachers and more students building walls, digging holes and getting the house ready to be lived in! What a great way to spend a day with students and to live the ISB values and attributes. 

Keep a lookout for photos and stories coming your way soon, but in the meantime, you can visit the ISB High School Instagram page by clicking on and see some action photos from yesterday. 

Justin Alexander
High School Principal




GCW Parent Information Meeting Save the Date!
Andy Vaughan

Please save the date for a GCW Parent Information Meeting on Wednesday 27 November from 9-10.30 am. 

In this meeting we cover the following topics:

  • Proposed changes to GCW for next school year and why these changes are being made. 
  • We will also have a visiting doctor from International SOS to share information about how we provide medical and safety support for our trips through International SOS. 
  • Budgets and costs… where does your money go for GCW trips?
  • Open question time

We hope you can join us for this meeting!



GCW Vaccinations
June D’Mello

With the upcoming GCW trips, it is important that your child is adequately immunised for these trips. For your reference, please see attached list of recommended vaccines from International SOS Bangkok for the areas/countries your child may be travelling to during GCW.

Please note the following;

  • vaccines listed are recommended and not compulsory.
  • childhood vaccines should be up to date, especially tetanus.
  • your child will need to consult with a physician of your choice before vaccines are prescribed and administered. Please ensure you take your child’s vaccination record with you as this history is important.
  • your child must be well to receive any vaccines.

AETNA Family Clinic in Nichada have agreed the following for ISB students attending GCW;

  1. They will wave the consultation fee for individual vaccination consultations.
  2.  Provide special discount, up to 10% off on series of required vaccines.’
  3. Conduct group consultation/vaccine review at Nichada Clinic on Monday, Thursday, and Fridays.

Please call 02 960 4216 to make an appointment in advance and please note that not all vaccines are stocked and may have to be ordered.

ISB has no formal affiliation with AETNA and any queries or questions should be handled with the clinic directly.  

Kind Regards,
June D’Mello
ISB Health Co-ordinator


ISB Community Recycling Perceptions Survey

Andy Vaughan

Dear Parents,

I am a senior at ISB, currently collecting data on our community’s recycling habits as part of my IB Environmental Systems and Societies course. If you could fill out this survey with your personal responses it would be very helpful to my investigation, and shouldn’t take more than 5 minutes (alternately, this link should also work:

Many thanks,
Anatta Tantiwongse



Reminder:Deadline for payment of IB exams May 2020

Justyna McMillan

The deadline for payment of IB exams has passed (November 8th) however we still have many outstanding payments. If your child is taking an IB exam in May 2020, please make sure to check the invoice on PowerSchool under ‘Grade and Attendance’.  Payment for the exams needs to be made at the school cashier.  If we don’t receive payment for IB exams we will not be able to proceed with finalising exam registrations.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Justyna McMillan
High School Dean of Academics



News from College Counselor
Andrew Weiser

Just a reminder: Deadline-  November 30, UC and Cal State applications

Please be sure your senior plans in advance and works with their College Counselor to get a plan in place to have these applications submitted before the deadline.
Just a reminder, that all transcript request forms (Blue Forms) for universities with deadlines before 15 February must be submitted by 18 November. For ISB to insure that the supporting documents (transcript, school report, recommendations, counselor forms, etc.) for applications are sent on time, this deadline is important! –students must have this form in on time! 
Don’t forget, for those applying to the UK, the completed UCAS application must be submitted to the College Counselor (online through UCAS) before 1 December.It is then reviewed and predicted grades and recommendations added so it can be sent before the winter holiday.

Junior Seminar #2 for all Grade 11’s is on Monday, November 25.


Upcoming University Visits:

Doctor of Medicine Program (The Joint Medical Programme Srinakharinwirot University

and the University of Nottingham, UK )

Wednesday, November 20    10:55 – 11:40am

For a complete list of University visits please use this link (Link to Calendar)



Anthony Giles

by Jessica Swale Performed by HS Theatre Students and Directed by Mr. Huxtable

The year is 1896, and Girton College Cambridge has been the first university to admit female students. The Girton girls study ferociously and match their male peers grade for grade. Yet, when the men graduate, the women leave with nothing but the stigma of being a ‘Blue-Stocking’ – an unnatural, educated woman. The play is set over a century ago, but it was written in 2012 and has a very modern feel to it.   Blue Stockings is a romantic and humor filled production, yet also contains scenes of powerful and moving drama. It will be staged with period costumes and a conventional set, performed on the wonderful CCT stage. 

Come and watch a play with marvelous acting performances, interesting characters and a story that builds to an exciting ending!  


Dates and times for performance are: 

19th of November  3.30pm

20th of November  6.30pm

21st of November   3.30pm

Cultural Centre Theatre

Student tickets 100 baht.  Adult tickets 200 baht. 

Tickets are being sold:

  • Before school in the cafeteria.  
  • At lunch-times in the cafeteria. 
  • At all other times in the Activities Office and the Dance and Drama Office. 

A percentage of proceeds will go to a charity supporting Thai females in education.


IASAS Art and Film Exhibition
Anthony Giles

November 13 through December 6, 2019

 Now on display in the Chevron Gallery, enjoy the ISB artwork and films presented IASAS Art & Film at SAS last week



Call for Films!
Anthony Giles

IOM Film Festival at ISB – December 11, 2019 Student filmmakers are invited to submit films (3 to 10 minutes in length) about the migrant experience according to the established themes: The promise and Challenge of Migration, and the Positive Contributions Migrants Make to Their New Communities. A committee of international film professionals will select a number of outstanding productions to be a part of the Global Migration Film Festival at the Bangkok Screening Room and ISB. 

Learn more HERE.


IASAS Art and Film Exhibition
Anthony Giles

 November 13 through December 6, 2019 Now on display in the Chevron Gallery, enjoy the ISB artwork and films presented IASAS Art & Film at SAS last week.




Art Studio Saturday – Saturday, 1 February, 2020

Anthony Giles

Take time to be creative!

Save the date for Saturday, 1 February, 2020.

It’s our second and final ArtSS offering this school year. 

Registration information coming soon!



NEW DATE: Open Mic at The Panther Commons Stage

Anthony Giles

HS Lunch Friday, December 8 Calling all students and staff for Arts Council’s second Open Mic session of the year, HS Lunch, December 6, 2019. Join us on the NEW Panther Commons Stage between field “D” and The Grind by signing up HERE (deadline Friday, November 29) to share a short tune, dance, or lay down some slam poetry! Performances should be five minutes or less and equipment provided will be limited to microphones only. Backing tracks are welcome. If you intend to use live instruments, plan on acoustic and hand held percussion. Hope to see you there!!! 








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