Blue Stockings – November 19th, 20th, 21st

Dates and times for performance are:

19th of November  3.30pm
20th of November  6.30pm
21st of November   3.30pm

Cultural Centre Theatre

BLUE STOCKINGS – by Jessica Swale

Performed by HS Theatre Students and Directed by Mr. Huxtable

The year is 1896, and Girton College Cambridge has been the first university to admit female students. The Girton girls study ferociously and match their male peers grade for grade. Yet, when the men graduate, the women leave with nothing but the stigma of being a ‘Blue-Stocking’ – an unnatural, educated woman.

In Jessica Swale’s inspirational original play, Tess Moffat and her fellow first years are determined to win the right to graduate. But little do they anticipate the hurdles in their way: the distractions of love, the cruelty of the class divide or the strength of the outraged male opposition, who finally will do anything to stop them. The play follows the students over one tumultuous academic year, in their fight to change the future of education.

The play is set over a century ago, but it was written in 2012 and has a very modern feel to it.   Blue Stockings is a romantic and humor filled production, yet also contains scenes of powerful and moving drama. It will be staged with period costumes and a conventional set, performed on the wonderful CCT stage.

Come and watch a play with marvelous acting performances, interesting characters and a story that builds to an exciting ending! 

Student tickets 100 baht.  Adult tickets 200 baht.

Tickets are being sold:

  • Before school in the cafeteria.
  • At lunch-times in the cafeteria.
  • At all other times in the Activities Office and the Dance and Drama Office.

A percentage of proceeds will go to a charity supporting Thai females in education.

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