Message from the Principal

Justin Alexander

Dear Parents, 

Currently our IASAS MUN team and IASAS Cultural Convention delegates are proudly representing ISB in Kuala Lumpur (MUN) and in Singapore (Film and Visual Arts). We look forward to hearing about their experiences upon their return, but in the meantime, you can see their work and some photos by visiting these websites. 

Art & Film @ SAS – Password: ArtFilm


Last week, we hosted the HS Principals’ forum where we addressed questions raised about teacher evaluation, substitute teachers, sports uniforms, school calendar, Library opening hours, recycling test questions, time taken for feedback to be given, SAT preparations, October workload for Seniors plus a few more! There were a few questions raised about the Grade 9 Math program and the progression of Math courses through to the new IB Math courses so we will be running a Parent presentation/workshop on ISB High School Mathematics on Monday, December 9th at 9.30am. More details are below. 

Mr. Vaughan presented results from the recent student survey on tutoring which you can see HERE . Mr. Vaughan also mentioned the recent FCD (Freedom from Chemical Dependency) visit for students and their presentation to parents in October which you can see again by clicking HERE. Of course, our doors are always open if you have a question about school or ideas to make things better, so please do come and see us at any time. 

Have a wonderful weekend.

Justin Alexander
High School Principal

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