The big day is coming!! ES Intercultural Day is Just 3 weeks Away!!

The big day is coming!! ES Intercultural Day is just 3 weeks away and our Room Hosts are making final preparations to guide our ES students through a variety of beautiful cultures. You won’t want to miss the lovely and moving Intercultural Assembly in the morning, or all the wonderful cultures on display throughout the day.

You still have time to volunteer on the day. If you have not yet raised your hand to help in an Intercultural Day room please contact us at and join us at the ES Engage on November 7. We will connect you with Room Hosts who could use more support. Many hands make for lighter work and more fun! Please contact us so we can include you in the adventure!

A few reminders if you are hosting a room:

  • Please send us any IT and equipment requests as soon as possible. If you would like to use the classroom’s AV system, projector, school WiFi etc… please let us know so we can put in your request to Ed Tech and/or B&G.
  • Don’t forget to LABEL your boxes and decor materials in the PTA Storage Room! Remember – No Label means No Delivery! We will open the storage room on November 7 from 9:45-11:00am. Please come and label your boxes!
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