News from HS Counselors

Kevin Callahan

Welcome back from October Break!  We hope you and your students had a great time together over
the holiday.  

We’re on the “home stretch” to the end of the first semester now, and one of the big challenges for students is time management.  What we counselors see a lot of, is students who struggle to stay focused on their assignments when so much of their work is computer related.  There are so many other things to do on computer

Here is a link to 7 time management tips for students that are really simple, common sense, and relatively easy to adopt for students (and adults!) who struggle with being organized and efficient in using their time to get their obligations completed.  Check with your student to see how many of these tips they are following already and where they can improve.  Being a good time manager has the added benefit of reducing the stress we all feel when we’ve got a million things to do!

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