GCW Reminders 

Andy Vaughan

Students had their first GCW meeting on Tuesday in their trip groupings. During this meeting all permission forms were due to be turned in. If your child has not yet turned this in, please log onto PowerSchool via your parent log-in to re-print and please scan and send into the HS office over the break. Students were given a brief overview of the trips and basic information has been shared at this meeting. 

Given that GCW backs into the February break, please also note that all will arrive back to Bangkok on Friday 21 February, with the exception of GCW Oman, which will arrive back to Bangkok in the early hours of Saturday morning on the 22 February 2020.  

As a reminder Payment details were also sent home with your child’s course confirmation and can be made either as a cash or credit card payment at the ISB cashier, or online though PowerSchool. For businesses that require a letter of support for reimbursement of GCW costs, please email Khun Pat directly (patarinb@isb.ac.th) and this will be prepared. Please note that GCW Payments need to be completed by November 1, 2019.

Finally, all overnight courses also need a submission of your child’s passport. This can be turned in via the link provided in your child’s confirmation email or via a direct email to Khun Pat.

For any questions regarding GCW, please direct these to either Khun Pat (patarinb@isb.ac.th) or Andy Vaughan (andyv@isb.ac.th)

Andy Vaughan
High School Dean of Students


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