News from HS Counselors

Kevin Davy
As part of our health education and substance use prevention efforts, we have invited a prevention specialist from FCD Prevention Works to visit our school from October 7-9. FCD is a non-profit organization that provides alcohol, nicotine, and other drug education to schools around the world. FCD prevention specialists will present the most up-to-date information available on the physiological and psychological effects of various drugs (with a focus on vaping this visit), and provide a forum for discussing social, cultural, and personal issues that relate to the choices people make. FCD believes in involving the school community in prevention education, not just students. 

With this in mind, we would like to invite you to an FCD parent presentation, with a focus on vaping. The meeting will be held in the MPB on Wednesday, October 9 from 8-9:30am.  We hope you can join us!

One of our Freshman Seminar sessions focused on the function of sleep  and  how to promote healthy sleep. Here are some considerations below.

Sleep promoting Lifestyle

Have a consistent sleep schedule

  • Take part in moderate exercise
  • Refrain from exercising 2 hours before going to bed
  • Reduce your consumption of caffeinated beverages

Bed Time Ritual

  • Avoid using your smartphone or computer 2 hours prior to going to bed
  • Turn your phones to automatically change to night mode during evening hours to desaturate the harmful blue LED light
  • Create lowered dim light in rooms where you spend your evening hours
  • Take a hot bath
  • Keep a consistent routine, such as meditating, writing a journal, etc.

Sleep Sanctuary

  • Make a “Tech-Free” zone
  • Avoid powerful overhead lights
  • Maintaining complete darkness throughout the night with blackout curtains and/or eye masks
  • Modify alarm clocks, do away with the snooze button
  • Core temperature needs to decrease by about 1 degree Celsius

In addition, this article shares some routines to help individuals fall asleep.

Lastly, one last thought. This week we celebrated World Peace Day. Being at peace with each other is one way to make the world a better place. The add on we would encourage is being at peace with ourselves. How we treat ourselves sometimes with negative internal  dialogue is something we would just about never address another.  Be kind to yourself and  have a great weekend.

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