Middle School’s Climate Action for Peace

This week, the middle school has kicked off school-wide attention to climate change and how we can do our part to help the environment. 

We started on Wednesday with our all school Peace Day assembly centered around the United Nations theme of Climate Action for Peace. The entire PK-12 student body and faculty came together as a community to demonstrate peace and challenge ourselves to take action for the planet. Middle school students shared the story of the peace flags art installation throughout campus, demonstrating that the combined efforts of many individuals can have a powerful impact together.

Wednesday evening, we were treated to a showing of “Love and Bananas,” a documentary following the filmmaker joining Khun Lek from Elephant Nature Park (ENP) on the rescue of an elephant from Kanchanaburi. The film showcase was organized by ISB counselor, Kevin Davy who has accompanied student trips to the ENP. Khun Lek who has been a great friend to ISB over many years joined us after the film and answered questions about her work in animal conservation. This film is premiering in big events around the world and we had our own showing at ISB!

On Friday, our entire middle school engaged in conversations and learning around climate change and individual actions we can take that can have the combined effort of significant impact. Students encouraged their classmates to ACT NOW and commit to conserve water, reuse products, avoid elephant shows, ride bikes, and more. 

Around the world, students are making their voice heard about the need for world leaders to address climate change by participating in “Climate strikes.” At ISB, we added our community voice to that message by having adults and students alike gather together to represent ISB joining that global message of positive action for our planet. We, as a full ISB community, support the young people of the world in their call to real action by our government and leaders.

This week the UN theme of Climate Action for Peace has served as an important kickstart for our middle school to take individual and community action to do our part for the planet. We plan to continue this effort throughout the year and beyond.

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