‘Lights, Camera, Action?’

Justin Alexander
Dear Parents,
After a well deserved long weekend, we filled this week with a variety of activities and events for our students. The Climate Action Peace Day assembly on Wednesday morning was closely followed by the ISB World University Fair in the Rajendra where ISB welcomed nearly 200 Colleges and Universities from all around the world to speak with our students and parents about their institutions. We were also blessed to host the world-famous conservationist Sandeun “Lek” Chailert on Wednesday evening as she presented her documentary ‘Love and Bananas’ on the rescue of Asian elephants from cruel captivity.

Thank you to our HS ISB GIN (Global Issues Network) who were the MC’s for the Peace Day assembly on Wednesday and for the other ISB HS student groups who were involved in the production of this great school community event. The timing of our Climate Action peace day is significant as it took place just a few days before an important world event (ClimateStrike day – Friday, September 20th) instigated by the determined and committed 16-year-old Greta Thunberg.  To show our solidarity and support for this movement our HS students gathered for the last 10 minutes of the day today along with MS students on Field D. 

We look forward to continued urgency and action regarding climate change and supporting our students in the leading role that they have in pushing for action and change. 

Justin Alexander
High School Principal

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