Upcoming MS Conferences

by Dennis Harter

Looking ahead several weeks, we are excited to be hosting the Parent-Student-Teacher Conferences on October 3rd and 4th. The conferences are a chance for teachers to engage in conversation with you about your child’s learning. On these days, school will not be in session for students. We strongly encourage that your child join you for the conferences to hear the feedback themselves and to provide insight into how they are doing (they do not have to dress in uniform).

For these conferences we use the “arena” format for conferences. This means that almost all MS teachers will be in one venue. Parents attend a single two-hour session, during which they can see all of their child’s teachers. A few “shared” teachers with the HS, may be in the high school venue on the Friday.

Conferences will take place in the “new” sports complex gymnasium, near the 50 m pool, with tables, chairs, and refreshments set up for this purpose.


In order to find a balance between access to teachers and wait time, we require parents sign up for sessions of ~2 hours. We limit the number of parents from a grade level  per session, to help ensure that teachers have time to see everyone in the block and that parents aren’t waiting in lines too long.

Both days have three blocks each with short breaks built in for teachers to re-energize after all that talking! The short breaks also allow our teacher-parents to briefly attend their own child’s conferences in other divisions.

More information will come out about conferences in the coming weeks. Sign-ups will take place in the week of September 23rd (still weeks away).




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