All School eNews-Massed Band Festival and much more!

E.sperimenti GDO: September 6th, 6.30pm

September 6th, 6.30pm in the CC Theater. E.sperimenti GDO, the exemplary dance company from Italy, is visiting ISB and working with our students within September. On Friday September 6th, they will perform their show, Convergenze, for our school community and visiting guests. Don’t miss this professional dance company, right here at ISB!

Massed Band Festival – September 7th, 2pm

The Gala Concert featuring the Massed Band will take place in the Chevron Theatre at 2 pm on Saturday, September 7th.

ISB will host its annual Massed Band Festival the week of Sept. 2nd – 7th , welcoming almost 200 band students from 9 schools across Thailand and Malaysia.  The guest conductor for this year is Mr. Naoya Takizawa, Associate Director of Bands at Senzoku Gakuen College of Music in Kanagawa, Japan.   We invite you to come and enjoy hymns, marches, dances, and novelty numbers as students showcase their musical talents.  Admission for the concert is free and open to the public.  


Anthony A. Giles,
Director of Arts & Community Activities 


Panther Fun Run #2 – Operation Smile

Come join the ISB Cross Country Runners for the second Panther Run of the year, this Saturday, September 7. There is a 5km and a 3km race, and everyone is welcome to join.  All proceeds go towards Operation Smile.

Registration/Warm-up:  6:40 AM in the Breezeway

Race Start:  7:15 AM sharp.

Cost: 200 Baht for Adults; 100 Baht for Students
If you’ve already registered, there is no need to sign up again.


See you on the track!

Derrick Quinet, Athletic Director

First Friday with Andy

The next “First Friday with Andy” will take place on Friday 6th September at 8:00am n the Orange Room (near the admissions office).

“First Friday with Andy” is an open forum for parents to meet informally with the Head of School and address any topics of interest or concern. No signing up is necessary; simply come and participate if you are free and interested.


Dr. Andrew Davies
Head of School

Afternoon Health Clinic Services

Starting Monday, September 9th, ISB will no longer have a nurse stationed at the Rajendra clinic (Breezeway) in the afternoon.  The afternoon nurse, who works till 8:00pm, will remain in the recently updated health clinic.  After school hours, Cory Campopiano, our physical development coach, will still be in the breezeway clinic assisting with rehab and sports injuries. 

If a nurse is needed during this time, they can be called to respond, or the patient can be sent to the clinic.  This change in practice is to provide a safer and more efficient service to our community.

Mark Hevland and June D’Mello

Mark Hevland
Director of Risk Management


Art Studio FRIDAY is coming soon!

Registration opens next week.

Friday, 27 September 2019

3:00-6:00 p.m.

Visiting artist, Jill Enfield, will run a cyanotype workshop.

And, there will be other exciting options for getting creative.



FAB Girls of ISB

Girls designing and fabricating projects in wood for girls grade 4 – grade 12.
Space for 16 participants. No prior experience required.  A small fee will apply.

When:  Mondays 2;30-3:30 pm
Where: Inventions Center
Begins: Monday 9 September, 2019

Registration required


ISB Community Choir, Choral Union, 2019-2020 Season

Join Andy Marshall and Matt Enders on Wednesday, September 18th at 7:00pm as they lead the first rehearsal of the 2019-2020 season for the ISB Community Choir, Choral Union. This season we will prepare for a joint concert with the ISB HS choirs and Bangkok Music Society choir on November 30th and December 4th.  Interested?  SIGN UP HERE.  


ISB Khon Open for Registration

Khon is Thailand’s classical, high art form of performance that dates back to the Ayuttaya era in Thai history. Khon integrates elements of several art forms into an artistic whole. Students will learn a variety of movements and gestures of each character. The experienced instructors are from the Fine Arts Department, Thailand’s Ministry of Culture. There will be opportunities to perform at ISB during Assemblies and International Community Events.

Learn, engage and, most of all, have fun with Thai Culture by joining our class!

The classes will take place every Friday from 2:30 to 4:00 PM at the MS SkyBox. The fee is 7,500 Baht for 15 hrs, excluding the costume on the show day (approximately 1,500 Baht.) Students from Grade 3 to Grade 12 can signup. Thai and non-Thai speakers are all welcome. The first class will start on Friday, September 20th, 2019.

There are only 25 PLACES AVAILABLE for this unique experience, filled on a “first-completed, first-served” basis. If you wish to attend this Khon Class, PLEASE SIGN 

HERE to demonstrate your commitment.

Submit this registration form online before THURSDAY, September 12th @ 15:00.

For more information contact: 

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