News from College Counselor

Andrew Weiser

Thank you to all seniors and parents (over 180) who attended the College Night presentation on Wednesday. The college counselors outlined the process and procedures for university applications.  Anyone with questions are recommended to contact their child’s college counselor

All Seniors who will be applying to the US should have attended the meeting on Monday to register for the Common Application and linked that account with Cialfo.  This is an important step since Cialfo is the system through which ISB electronically sends all application materials  to universities.

Upcoming events:

3 September @ 8:00 AM : MPB 1 : Parent College Coffee for all high school parents. The first topic is an “Introduction to ISB College Counselors & Program.”

4 September @ 10:55 AM : MPB 3 : A special presentation from three U.S. Universities.  Demystifying the rankings “game” and “Life in the U.S. for Students.”  Please bring a personal Device (cell phone, tablet, lap top) to participate.

4 September @ 6:30 PM : Chevron Theater :  Grade 11 College Night. All grade 11 students and parents are invited to the first College Night for grade 11.  Come to meet your child’s college counselor and hear an overview of the program designed for the juniors and seniors.  


Upcoming University Visits:

3 September @ 10:00 AM : Swarthmore College, Pomona College, Williams College

4 September @ 10:55 AM : Rutgers University, University of Indiana, University of Minnesota

5 September @ 10:55 AM : Washington and Lee University

6 September @ 10:55 AM :  Johns Hopkins University, Barnard College, University of Chicago, Wesleyan University

For a complete list of University visits please use this link (Link to Calendar)

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