‘Up and Running’

Justin Alexander

Friday August 16th

We all enjoyed a busy and energetic week at school after the big welcome back High School Assembly on Tuesday. There is great spirit and energy in the air and our teachers are very excited to be back with their students and getting the school year underway. 

The House Council has been active this week with an assembly on Wednesday and then a whole school gathering in the Rajendra Gym earlier today to determine which house has the best House chanters. I am glad to say that it was the house of MAKARA that clearly won that competition. 

Varsity tryouts also kicked off on Wednesday afternoon and nearly half of our HS students took to the fields and courts for Soccer (Football), Cross Country and Volleyball. Whilst not all players will make the Varsity team, there was great spirit and excitement on display during the tryouts. For those that do not make the Varsity team, please do stay involved and join one of our JV teams in the weeks ahead. 

As the weekend approaches and your children rest up after their first few days of school, please take a few moments to engage them in discussions about school and their first week of school. I am confident that the vast majority of our students are positive and enthusiastic about being back in school, with their friends, and joining exciting new classes, but it is not unusual for others to be a little less enthusiastic about the return to school. Do encourage them to speak with their teachers, advisors and/or counselors if there are any matters (large or small) as we are all here to help. 

Please mark your calendars for the HS Open House on Wednesday, September 11th starting at 6 pm.

Justin Alexander
High School Principal

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