Middle School is like a Mixtape

by Dennis Harter, MS Principal

At our opening assembly for the year, I asked the students whether they knew what this was:

Some of our students did and that can be mostly attributed to recent pop culture movies and shows that have included the 80s icon of recorded music, the cassette tape. 

I shared with the students in particular, this tape was a mixtape – like a playlist, only with significant restrictions:

  • Only with a limited amount of time
  • No chance to skip songs
  • No shuffling
  • You could only use the music you owned
  • You can’t add on later – when it’s set, that’s how it’s going to be

The key to a good mixtape was getting the mix just right. And I shared some ways that we could make this middle school year for ourselves and each other terrific, like a great mixtape. For some of you out there who maybe too young yourself to remember mixtapes, here are some keys to a good mixtape and a great middle school year:

  • Plan ahead
  • Get the combination right
  • Sometimes go big, other times take it down a notch – Figure out which one fits the moment
  • It’s got to have variety
  • Keep track of time
  • Try not to get unwound and all tangled up.
  • But if you do, someone – a teacher, a counselor, a friend – will be there to help you get untangled.
  • Include the stuff you love
  • But try some new stuff too

Ultimately, like a mixtape, the 2019-20 school year will be a reflection of who you are that moment in time, so let’s be great together. Each song, each person combining to make the perfect mix. In the end, it’s the mix that makes it great, not any one individual.

And like every mixtape, each one is unique.

Just like each of our students.

Just like this years’s middle school.

Just like this year.

Let’s make it a great mix!



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