These hallways are too empty!

by Dennis Harter, MS Principal

Welcome to the 2019-20 school year! We are excited that the first day of school is almost upon us and are looking forward to seeing our halls and classrooms filled once again with smiling students. It’s been too empty without them!

This week teachers have been collaborating to plan the learning for the new year. They’ve returned from the break re-energized and ready for school. Our counselors have been welcoming new families to ISB and our staff have been getting the campus ready for business. 

As teachers prepare their classrooms for this year’s classes, it is noticeable how different a school feels without the students in it. We are ready to get back to what we love doing – helping students learn and grow.

We hope families have had a restful holiday and our middle school students are ready for the new year in middle school!

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