News from HS Counselors

Jackie Valenzuela

We hope you had a restful and fun summer!  We are looking forward to welcoming returning and new students next week.  It is going to be a great year!  

If your student needs to make a schedule change for any reason (e.g. add a class or drop a class), please ask them to wait until the second day of school to do this.  They have the first 8 days of the semester available to make schedule changes.  

Our school counseling staff remains the same this year:  Kevin Callahan, Kevin Davy and Jackie Valenzuela.  Two of our four college counselors working with our Grade 11 and 12 students are new: Sonya Ohlsson and Alex Becker. They join Debbie McDowell and Andy Weiser who are back again this year.  In addition, our wonderful support staff, Khun Fon and Khun Mai, are here to support our counseling staff, parents and students.



Jackie Valenzuela
High School Counselor

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