First Week of Middle School

The ISB 2019-20 school year begins on Tuesday, August 13th with our first day of school.

For this Welcome Day, middle school students should arrive at the main quad behind the MS Office between 7:00 and 7:15 AM. Boards will be posted in the quad indicating students’ Advisory teacher and classroom, which is where students will start the day.

Teachers will be in the hallways helping direct students.

We do not have regular classes on the first day of school, so students don’t need to worry about school supplies and such. Instead, students will participate in grade level meetings, assemblies, and community building all designed to transition into the year smoothly. Students will receive their schedules and ID cards as well as get access to their new lockers.

On Wednesday, August 14th, classes will officially begin with a Day 1 schedule. We won’t make schedule changes on the first day, so that we can focus on ensuring the welcome day is a good one for all.


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