Student Class Placement and Grades 2-5 “Meet Your Teacher”

Class Placement for the 2019-2020 school year will be sent via e-news and posted in grade level quads at 2pm on Friday, Aug. 9th. Students may visit their new classrooms and homeroom teacher for “meet the teacher” from 2:00-3:00 on the 9th. This time will be a chance to say a quick hello and find the location of your child’s homeroom classroom (not specialists). The purpose of this time is to see a face and a place to start school, not to conference with the teacher or to receive information.  You will receive information about the school year later in the week and at our Elementary Open House on Aug 29.  Also, please realize that teachers continue to work on setting up the classrooms throughout this afternoon and we’ve encouraged them to end promptly at 3:00pm. 

Please note:  PreK, KG, and Grade 1 students will be meeting teachers during appointments on August 13, 14, and 16. You will receive an email with your appointment time next week.

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