Friday May 31st 2019 ‘Graduation’

Justin Alexander

Dear Parents,
A great week of graduation preparations for our seniors and exam preparations for our Grade 9-11 students. I think one set of preparations was a bit more exciting than the other though.

The seniors kicked off the week with the senior Appreciation day (thank you senior parents for your support for this event) followed by the Awards night on Wednesday evening. Seniors enjoyed a great senior breakfast and senior parade on Thursday with final rehearsals this afternoon. It was simply fantastic to have the entire school come out and wish our seniors the best with their graduation and for their bright futures as they paraded through the school to the Rajendra Gym.

Congratulations to our 170 Seniors who will graduate from ISB this weekend and formally conclude their learning experience at ISB. The 170 students contribute more than 1000 years of schooling at ISB and 12 of the graduating class have been at ISB for 13 or 14 years!  If you would like to follow the proceedings online you can click on the live feed which is available at our ISB website. For those attending the ceremony, please note that doors open at 1.15 pm.

Have a great long weekend and I look forward to seeing many of you at the ceremony on Saturday.

Justin Alexander
High School Principal

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