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Friday May 31st 2019

Justin Alexander

Dear Parents,

A great week of graduation preparations for our seniors and exam preparations for our Grade 9-11 students. I think one set of preparations was a bit more exciting than the other though.

The seniors kicked off the week with the senior Appreciation day (thank you senior parents for your support for this event) followed by the Awards night on Wednesday evening. Seniors enjoyed a great senior breakfast and senior parade on Thursday with final rehearsals this afternoon. It was simply fantastic to have the entire school come out and wish our seniors the best with their graduation and for their bright futures as they paraded through the school to the Rajendra Gym.

Congratulations to our 170 Seniors who will graduate from ISB this weekend and formally conclude their learning experience at ISB. The 170 students contribute more than 1000 years of schooling at ISB and 12 of the graduating class have been at ISB for 13 or 14 years!  If you would like to follow the proceedings online you can click on the live feed which is available at our ISB website. For those attending the ceremony, please note that doors open at 1.15pm.

Have a great long weekend and I look forward to seeing many of you at the ceremony on Saturday.

Justin Alexander
High School Principal


Graduation Photos and Gowns
Justin Alexander

Parents of Seniors are reminded that complimentary photos of your graduate receiving their HS Diploma will be available for collection at the High School office on Monday June 10th. At the same time, graduates are encouraged to return their academic gowns so that gowns can be used in future years.


Reminder – no school on Monday, June 3

Justin Alexander
In honor of celebrating HM the Queen’s birthday on June 3rd, ISB will be closed and there will be no school for students.


Powerschool from 31st May until 11th June 
Susan Canobie

In order to finalise examination grades and end of semester reports, students and parents will not be able to see these sections on Powerschool between Friday May 31st and Tuesday 11th June.  All other features in Powerschool will still be available – including final exam schedules etc.


Report Cards
Susan Canobie

Report cards for semester 2 will be available on Powerschool from around 5pm on Tuesday 11th June.  If your child has not returned a book or have unpaid fees etc.  then a report card hold may be in place and you will receive an automated email to this effect.

Leavers from Grades 9 -11
Susan Canobie
It is always sad to say farewell to a number of students from ISB next week and we wish them all the very best as they move on to their next adventure.

All these students MUST complete a Leavers Clearance form before important transition documents can be released to their new schools.  These forms can be collected from a student’s counselor and be returned with all signatures by Monday 10th June.  If a student has misplaced their form they can see one of the counseling secretaries for a reprint.

If  no Clearance Form is received a report card hold will be put in place and no transcript can be issued.  Thank you in advance for your assistance in expediting this process.

Susan Canobie
High School Dean of Academics



HS Counselor News
Jackie Valenzuela

All grade 9, 10 and 11 students have received their list of courses for next year.  Please check with your child and make sure their schedule suits their needs.  If not, they can speak with their school counselor between now and the end of the school year.  

Exams begin next Tuesday.  All of the best to our students as they prepare over the weekend.  

Jackie Valenzuela
High School Counselor


College Counseling
Stephan Golas

By now, all seniors should have submitted their completed Clearance Form. 

This form is required for graduation and the release of all academic records from the high school. 

Please check-in with your son or daughter to make sure they have completed this important step! 

See you all at Graduation tomorrow! 

Summer School at ISB – starts June 17…

Maurilio Baron-Toaldo

Session 1 of Summer School 2019 will begin on Monday, June 17th. Registration is going well – there are still spaces available in both sessions 1 and 2.

If you are only around for the first couple weeks of our summer break, reminder, we do have some special enrichment camps available:

MS/HS Art Camp (June 17 – 28)

HS Work Experience Program (June 17 – 27)

HS Writing Workshop (June 17 – 21)

You can go to the ISB website, or click here, to access all information about summer school dates, programs, and fees, or visit Khun Fon in our Summer School Office (located through door on the right side of the ISB Bookstore).

For any questions, please email



Panther Tennis Summer Clinic is now open for registration!

Panther Tennis

Do you want to try new sports during summer?  Do you wish to brush your tennis skills?  Please join Panther Tennis Summer Clinic!

Period :

 Week 1 :  Monday, June 17 – Friday, June 21

 Week 2:  Monday, June 24 – Friday, June 28

Week 3:  Monday, July 29 – Friday, August 2

Week 4:  Monday, August 5 – Friday August 9

Time / Place / Class Fee : (Grade based on school year 2019-20)

  • G6 – G12 Beginners& Intermediate    (2 hr tennis practice)

Court 1 – 7 (courts behind MS cafeteria)

  • Panther Elite players : 2 hr tennis practice with fitness

Registration :   

Details can be found on 

Contact : Panther Tennis



June Examinations 
Susan Canobie

All students have their individual exam schedules available through Powerschool (they appear at the top right of the main lookup screen).  If you have not seen it, please log on to Powerschool and ask your son or daughter. 

  • June 2019 exams run from Tuesday 4th June to Friday 7th June.  
  • There are 3 exam sessions each day which have 7:20, 10:00 and 1:00 start times, except for students with accommodations, who have separate schedules.  Students should arrive at their exam venues 15 minutes early.  Students will only be permitted to leave an exam early after 90 minutes.
  • Students are expected to bring pens, pencils, rulers, erasers, ISB ID card, calculator (if required) and a clear water bottle to each exam.
  • Students who do not have an exam on a day may stay at home to study or use our Library for private study.
  • Students can leave school early after an exam by completing an exam early departure form (attached).  This form is attached to this notice and will be posted on the Parent and Student Portals or hard copies can be obtained from the HS Office.  Students will need to have a parent-signed, completed form for each instance they wish to leave campus.
  • Students are expected to take each exam as scheduled.  Students who are sick for an exam must contact the HS office immediately.  Medical certificates MUST be provided.
  • Monday 10th June and Tuesday 11th June are exam feedback days where normal attendance is expected.  Teachers will look at group and individual feedback, review mark schemes and success criteria, look at exemplary answers and develop future goals.  School will still finish at 11:30am on Tuesday following the HS end of year assembly.

Early departure_Examinations


HS Summer Work Experience Program

Conor Duffy

ISB’s Summer School will once again offer the HS Summer Work Experience Program between June 17th-27th this year.  The purpose of the program is “to secure work experience opportunities for highly motivated ISB students in reputable business enterprises in and around the Greater Bangkok area.

Additionally, the goals of the program are:

  • to provide enterprising students with hands on experience in a career path they are interested in pursuing;
  • to develop CV/Resume and Interviewing skills;
  • to have students experience the daily life and routine of said career;
  • where possible, to have students be engaged in producing real time projects during their internship.

So far, companies such as Lexicon Business Communications, Seagate, Novotel Hotels, Big Brain Pictures (Video Editing), Media TransAsia, and Vichaiyut Hospital have agreed to accept ISB students for internships.

Information about registration and fees is available at ISB’s website: 

Or, if you prefer, you can contact:

Maurilio Baron-Toaldo (Summer School Director): 

Conor Duffy (Work Experience Program Co-ordinator)





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