MAP and ISA testing results

Dear Parents of Students in Grades 3-8 and Grade 10,

In March and early April students in grades 3 through 8 took the second and final Measure of Academic Progress (MAP) assessment.  MAP is one of multiple assessment pieces that our teachers use to monitor student growth and determine next steps in learning.  Children do not all learn in the same way, so any standardized assessment needs to be viewed only in conjunction with a range of other learning data. We get the most accurate picture of a student’s progress by using a variety of learning evidence including everyday ongoing assessments, learning conversations with students, and ongoing formative assessment (assessment that helps us design more appropriate subsequent learning experiences).

MAP also measures your child’s achievement level compared to other students who have taken this test, and measures academic growth over time in the areas of mathematics and reading.  The test does not cover all academic skills, nor does it cover such areas as physical, artistic, or interpersonal skills. Parents will gain a more complete picture of student performance by looking at this test along side a variety of classroom work samples and other assessments over a period of time.

Students in Grades 3, 5, 7, and 10 also took the International Schools Assessment (ISA) in February.  The ISA is designed specifically for international school students and measures writing, reading, and mathematical literacy.  This assessment provides more comparative information and allows ISB to evaluate how our program is meeting our students’ learning needs.

Your child’s MAP and ISA assessment results are now available on PowerSchool.  When you log in, you should see a link in the upper right corner where you can Download MAP and ISA Results.

If you have any questions about your child’s progress or about interpreting the reports, please contact her or his teacher.

Your partner in education,

Debi Caskey

Deputy Head of School for Learning

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