Review the Board Nominees – Elections on May 14th

By now, you would have received your BOT Election 2019 packets. As you may have noticed, there were 2 election packets delivered. Please discard the first one sent and just use the most recent amended one.

Please be informed that the BOT candidates’ nomination forms and videos are now available for viewing at the ISB Parent Portal website – Click here 

The candidates for the BOT Election 2019 are:

  1. Vartika Bawa
  2. Mary Ann Morse Banker
  3. Manon Bernier
  4. Tim Bulow
  5. Andy Chan
  6. Soravit Chairoj
  7. John Heinecke
  8. Karn Karuhadej
  9. Janewit Kraprayoon
  10. Dhooleka Raj
  11. Andy Richter
  12. Phantipha Thongchindavong

Please vote for up to 8 candidates.

A few reminders about the election:

  1. You can only submit your ballots on the day of the AGM – May 14, 2019 from 7:00 am to to 6:00 pm. No ballots will be accepted after 6:00 pm.
  2. Polling booths will be set up in the foyer of the Chevron Theater and the Emporium Tower Lobby (for downtown voters – 7:00 am to 12:00 pm) if you want to vote in person. An ISB photo ID will be required.
  3. You can send in your ballots through your spouse or child, no maids or drivers, please. Don’t forget to sign the envelope over the sealed flap and remind your spouse or child to bring their ISB photo ID.

Please make your votes count!









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