‘Last Days’

Justin Alexander

Dear Parents,

Welcome back to everyone after the well deserved Songkran break. We enjoyed a great week on campus as our Seniors begin their preparations for their final exams. In fact today is our Seniors last day of formal classes and we wish them all the best with their studies over the coming weeks as they move closer to their Graduation on June 1st.

Congratulations to all involved in the Celebration of Service event held on Tuesday night where more than 150 people came together to celebrate the commitment and great work that our students and teachers do with regards to Service at ISB and beyond.

Our student thespians presented their one act plays in the HS Spring Showcases on Wednesday and Thursday nights, with a mixture of dramatic and humorous plays on display for the audience to enjoy.

Save the date for the last HS PTA meeting of the year on Tuesday May 8th at 9.30 am, more details next week about the agenda. Have a great weekend.

Justin Alexander
High School Principal

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