High School College Counselor News

Stephan Golas

G10 Students – as a reminder, the PSAT is scheduled for Tuesday, April 23rd, right after the Songkran Break. We will start sharply at 1:15pm in the MPB1 – please arrive no later than 1:00pm with #2 pencils, an eraser, your calculator, and your ISB School ID. We will finish around 4:30pm. 

G12 Students and Parents – we have two events for you the week we are back from the Break: on Wednesday, April 24th, at 2:45pm in the MPB1, a representative from the US Embassy will be joining us to talk about the student visa and immigration process for those of you (or for those of you with students) who are attending university in the United States; please make sure you attend this important meeting if you are (or your child is) heading to the USA in the fall! The second event – on Thursday, April 25th, at 8:00am in the MPB1 – is for ALL parents of G12 students and will be discussion about student and parent transitions to university. Specifically, we will talk about the changing dynamics in family relationships; challenges students face when leaving home; and resources available on university campuses for students that can help in the transition to college life. 

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