Parent letter Developmental Assets Profile Questionnaire

Dear Parent/Guardian,

At ISB we care deeply about the well-being of our students. To help us meet our mission to support them in leading healthy, active and balanced lives, we will pilot the administration of the Developmental Assets Profile to students in grades 4 through 12 in late April. This is an anonymous survey to help us gather information on the successes and areas of continued improvement for the Culture of Care at ISB which has been a strategic school initiative for the last 3 years. This norm referenced survey is used extensively in the US and with many International Schools as a prosocial measure of student wellbeing.

Why is the questionnaire being administered?

The purpose of this questionnaire is to:

  • Discover the strengths and supports that our ISB students identify related to well-being.
  • Listen to the perspectives of our students and their perceptions of support, empowerment, commitment, positive values, social competencies and positive identity.
  • Gain a road map to guide ISB in proactive and focused planning to increase positive outcomes and support for our students.

How and when will the questionnaire be administered? The survey will be administered the week starting 22nd April to students grades 4 through 12. The online questionnaire will be taken in class and will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. Your child’s participation is voluntary.

How will the results be used?

  • The data collected will be managed, analyzed, and reported by an ISB team including the school counselors and the ISB leadership team.
  • Individual student responses to the questionnaire are anonymous. However, the questionnaire will collect identifiers such as grade, ethnicity and gender to support targeted follow up, and our ability to analyze overall trends to help improve student support at ISB.
  • The questionnaire process has been designed to identify student perceptions of support, empowerment, commitment, positive values, social competencies and positive identity.
  • Key findings will be shared with teachers and parents.

Does my child have to complete the questionnaire?

No. As a parent or guardian, you can opt out of having your child complete this questionnaire. Students will be informed that they may choose to skip any questions that they do not feel comfortable answering.

Parents/Guardians who do not want their child to take the survey should let their child’s school counselor know by phone or in writing no later than the 19th of April. ISB will assume parent/guardian consent to their child participating unless the school counselor has been notified. Parents do not have to do anything unless they do not want their child to participate.

Thank you so much for your support with this important project.

With gratitude,

Colleen Coady ( MS Counselor
Andy Vaughan ( HS Dean of Students
Bronwyn Weale ( PK12 Curriculum and Learning Specialist
Doug Williamson ( ES Grade 4 & 5 Counselor


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