High School Counseling Newsletter

Kevin Davy

We had a great turnout this past Wednesday for our showing of the award winning film Angst: Raising Awareness Around Anxiety.  Over 100 parents from across all school divisions came to see the film and discuss the surrounding issues of anxiety and mental health. We will be screening the film to our students in the near future. Angst is an IndieFlix Original, the documentary designed to raise awareness around anxiety. The goal is to start a global conversation about anxiety and mental health. Most importantly we hope the film will help people identify and understand the symptoms of anxiety disorders and encourage them to reach out for help. The school has bought the license to screen the movie a select number of times, unfortunately you can not purchase it online at present.

Below are some resources that where handed out on the evening. Plus there are some great additional links and information that wasn’t shared at that time. The bottom  link here is a recent article written by Kevin Davy (High School Counselor) for the most recent Touchstone magazine. The written focus is our distorted thoughts. This ties in nicely to thoughts and ideas surrounding anxiety. It also contains a few helpful links. 

Angst Slides

Handouts from Angst Presentation

Great strategies for getting the other side of anxious moments (50 Strategies to beat Anxiety)

50 Calming Strategies

Angst website: https://angstmovie.com/resources/

Touchstone Article – Our Distorted Thoughts

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