‘The Ex week – Exams and Exchange’

Friday March 15th
Justin Alexander

Dear Parents,

Our Seniors have been busy and focused sitting their mock exams over the course of the past week or so and getting the practice that they need in advance of the ‘real’ exams which take place in May. Students and teachers will be working together over the next month or so to review the mocks and to spend some time on reviewing and tidying up any loose ends in their individual subjects. We wish them all the best in the last month or so of school.

Classes continued for everyone else and it is always refreshing for me to visit classrooms and see the great learning that is taking place. We occasionally get the chance to take a few photos as we walk around the school and then share out this through our ISBHighSchool Instagram page. You too can follow us and stay up to date with some of the exciting activities taking place at ISB. You can also follow our ISBArtsCo and ISBAthletics pages as well.

Good luck to all students involved in the Exchange tournaments taking place this weekend. You are all invited to ‘Friday Night Lights’ at ISB with our Badminton, Baseball and Softball teams all playing over the weekend with games starting at 5pm on Friday night. You can see the schedules in the links below

Badminton Schedule

Baseball/Softball Schedule


Have a great weekend and see you Friday night.



Justin Alexander

High School Principal

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