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MS Principal’s Forum – April 2

We will host our 2nd MS Principal’s Forum on April 2nd at 9:00 AM in MPB 3. Please look for future eNews for information on the agenda based on parent questions.


Middle School Wellness classes parent information

Later this semester, middle school wellness classes will engage in our Human Growth and Development units. Ahead of these units, we will host parent information sessions on Tuesday, April 2nd at 10:30 AM (immediately following the MS Principal’s Forum).

Hosted by our grades 6/7 and grade 8 Wellness teachers, we will run separate 20-minute sessions explaining the curriculum content we teach and the timing of our lessons. We have made significant revisions to these units and wish to share the changes with interested parents. For parents who have children in more than one grade, we will immediately repeat a session right after the first session, so that they can attend both.

More information to come on this in a future eNews. 


March MS Leadership Seminar Sign Up 

Sign your child up for the March Student Leadership Seminar!

Our goal for this seminar is to examine the critical leadership quality of empathy. As part of this seminar, we will review the concept of empathy and we will focus on identifying behaviors that demonstrate empathy, as well as “empathy traps” leaders sometimes fall into. Students will practice empathy via fun, interactive activities facilitated in part by our high school International Honor Society students.

This seminar will take place on Saturday, March 30 from 9:00 AM-11:00 AM and you can sign your student up here. Please encourage your student to come join the fun- there will be lots of new, hands-on activities and it’s a great opportunity to make new connections. Your child will receive a certificate for participating in this activity.


FAB Girls of ISB 

Kylie Harter

Girls designing & fabricating projects in wood

(for girls Grade 4 – Grade 12)

Space for 15 participants. No prior experience required

A small fee will apply.

First workshop session:

Saturday 6 April, 2019

9:00am – 12:00noon

* Registration required

Fab Girls of ISB is a hands-on design and building program for girls ages 10 -18 years of age. Working predominantly with wood, the participants will learn how to make their designs a reality. After an initial introductory Saturday session to familiarize themselves with the Inventions Center workspace, tools, equipment and materials, the group will go on to identify and adopt different projects through which to work and learn. These community service based projects will be designed to foster creativity, curiosity, grit and meaningful connections with peers and communities outside of ISB, through problem solving and hands-on construction. Registration is required as spaces are limited. A small fee will apply. For more information, please see or email Mr. Ortwein, Ms. Steward in the High School or Ms. Harter in the Middle School.

To register please complete this form


ISB JAZZ NIGHT – 6:30pm Tuesday, March 26, 2019 MPB 

ISB’s annual Jazz Night Concert will take place in the MPB on Tuesday, March 26th, 2019 beginning at 6:30 pm. This year’s concert features the ISB Elementary Orff Ensemble under the direction of Ms. Angela Wong, a music teacher jazz combo, and also our 8 talented IASAS Cultural Convention vocal delegates, all in collaboration with HS Jazz Band.

They will be performing a wide range of jazz music, including swing, shuffle, ballad and Latin styles.  You’ll hear a few classics such as ‘Shadow of Your Smile’ and ‘The Way You Look Tonight.’  The concert closes with a fun medley of popular Beatles tunes.
So come out and enjoy of fun evening of great jazz with our many talented ISB musicians!  The concert is free admission and all
are invited!



The “UPLift” Competition will be held this Saturday March 16th. Students have worked hard to create a dazzling array of robots with incredible ‘uplifting’ powers!  Prepare to be amazed! Competition begins at 10:00 in the Invention Center.


Parent Social at Sweet Poppy – Thursday 4th April at 8am 

Petra and Jenna,

The PTA are delighted to invite all parents to our final social event of the 2018/2019 school year at Sweet Poppy restaurant. Come and enjoy the beautiful oasis that Sweet Poppy has created only 5 minutes away from ISB. Recharge your batteries, embrace the tranquility and enjoy chatting with other ISB parents over coffee and a light bite.

To help us to plan refreshments and space, this will be a sign-up event. To secure your spot, please sign up by clicking on this link.


Repeat Announcement: ISB Summer School 2019 – Registration Now Open!

Our ISB Summer School Office is now open and accepting registrations for Summer School 2019 at ISB! You can go to the ISB website, or click here, to access all information about dates, programs, and fees, and to submit a registration form online.

New to our Special Enrichment Camp offerings this year:

  • ES/MS Environmental Science Camp – 4 overnights at our EWC – 1 or 2 week options
  • ES/MS Innovator’s Workshop – 1 or 2 week options
  • MS Video Production Camp – 1 or 2 week options
  • MS/HS Art Camp – 1 or 2 week options

Our Summer School Office is located through the door on the right side of the ISB Bookstore where Khun Fon will be there to greet and assist you Monday to Fridays, 7:00 – 11:30am.

For any questions, please email 


Repeat Announcement: March 21-22 No School – Professional Development Days

Please note that ISB will be closed for professional development days on March 21 & 22. Students do not have school on those days.

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