Kylie Harter

Girls designing & fabricating projects in wood

(for girls Grade 4 – Grade 12)

Space for 15 participants. No prior experience required

A small fee will apply.

First workshop session:

Saturday 6 April, 2019

9:00am – 12:00noon

* Registration required

Fab Girls of ISB is a hands-on design and building program for girls ages 10 -18 years of age. Working predominantly with wood, the participants will learn how to make their designs a reality. After an initial introductory Saturday session to familiarize themselves with the Inventions Center workspace, tools, equipment and materials, the group will go on to identify and adopt different projects through which to work and learn. These community service based projects will be designed to foster creativity, curiosity, grit and meaningful connections with peers and communities outside of ISB, through problem solving and hands-on construction. Registration is required as spaces are limited. A small fee will apply. For more information, please see or email Mr. Ortwein, Ms. Steward in the High School or Ms. Harter in the Middle School.

To register please complete this form

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