Counseling Center News

Kevin Callahan
All Grade 9 and 10 students have met with school or college counselors to be informed of course options for Grades 10 and 11.  We have encouraged them to access the online program of studies, especially when considering electives and prerequisites. Students sign up for courses through PowerSchool, and as you know, registration is open March 14 -20. The course selections are not first come, first served. 

For all students, if they have any questions or problems with registering for courses for next year, please tell them to see their counselor as soon as possible.  We may not know the answer but we will know where to find it!   All the counselors are available to answer questions about course selection.  Some of the choices and combinations of courses are a bit confusing, so don’t be shy; come and ask!

The School Counselors are attending workshops and professional development conferences this week.  Ms. Valenzuela and Mr. Callahan are working on “Executive Functioning: What is it? How Do We Support Students?”, at the Bangkok Counselors quarterly meeting, hosted here at ISB and presented by our very own school psychologists Ryan Ruhl and Matthew Johnson.  Mr. Davy is at the annual International Schools Counselor Association (ISCA) meeting and will bring back valuable information on how we can best support our students.

Counseling office at least 10 days in advance if any documents are needed to support the student’s application.

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