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‘The Ex week – Exams and Exchange’  Friday March 15th
Justin Alexander

Dear Parents,

Our Seniors have been busy and focused sitting their mock exams over the course of the past week or so and getting the practice that they need in advance of the ‘real’ exams which take place in May. Students and teachers will be working together over the next month or so to review the mocks and to spend some time on reviewing and tidying up any loose ends in their individual subjects. We wish them all the best in the last month or so of school.

Classes continued for everyone else and it is always refreshing for me to visit classrooms and see the great learning that is taking place. We occasionally get the chance to take a few photos as we walk around the school and then share out this through our ISBHighSchool Instagram page. You too can follow us and stay up to date with some of the exciting activities taking place at ISB. You can also follow our ISBArtsCo and ISBAthletics pages as well.

Good luck to all students involved in the Exchange tournaments taking place this weekend. You are all invited to ‘Friday Night Lights’ at ISB with our Badminton, Baseball and Softball teams all playing over the weekend with games starting at 5pm on Friday night. You can see the schedules in the links below

Badminton Schedule

Baseball/Softball Schedule

Have a great weekend and see you Friday night.
Justin Alexander
High School Principal

Susan Canobie

Students in grades 8 -11 are currently signing up for next year courses via Powerschool.  ALL students in these grade levels need to complete this by Wednesday 3pm. If you would like to look through the courses on offer with your son or daughter for next year updated information they are placed on the main website HS Academic courses page here.

Even if students may be leaving ISB at the end of the current school year, they still need to select their courses.


Grade 12 Exam Schedules for May 2019 – Important information
Susan Canobie

Grade 12 students will all finish formal classes on Friday 26th April and start study leave.  The official IB exams for ISB start on Friday 3rd May and go through to Friday 24th May.  There are IB exams on Thai holidays during this period.  Individual ISB exam schedules for non-IB students will soon be available on PowerSchool.  


Curriculum Development at ISB: Principles and Practices,

Friday, April 5, 2019 from 9:30-11:00 in MPB 1

Bronwyn Weale

Elizabeth Rossini

Principles and Practices, Friday, April 5, 2019 from 9:30-11:00 in MPB 1

Curriculum is a very important part of schooling and a topic common to all educators but less so for parents. Teachers are writing, reviewing and adjusting curriculum on a daily basis in order to provide the best learning for their students. There is often a belief that the standards or resources are the curriculum but this is an inaccurate assumption. Our curriculum is multi-faceted and driven by the broader goals of our school to include ISB’s Vision and Mission, Definition of Learning, Attributes, and Values.

Please join Dr. Elizabeth Rossini and Bronwyn Weale from ISB’s Learning Design Center for a discussion regarding curriculum development at ISB.


College Counselor News
Stephan Golas

 From College Counseling: 10th Grade Families, it was a pleasure meeting your students this week for discussions on their course selection! If you have any lingering questions or concerns you would like to discuss about your child’s choices, please feel free to make an appointment next week with a college counselor – we are happy to speak with you! 


Counseling Center News
Kevin Callahan
All Grade 9 and 10 students have met with school or college counselors to be informed of course options for Grades 10 and 11.  We have encouraged them to access the online program of studies, especially when considering electives and prerequisites. Students sign up for courses through PowerSchool, and as you know, registration is open March 14 -20. The course selections are not first come, first served. 

For all students, if they have any questions or problems with registering for courses for next year, please tell them to see their counselor as soon as possible.  We may not know the answer but we will know where to find it!   All the counselors are available to answer questions about course selection.  Some of the choices and combinations of courses are a bit confusing, so don’t be shy; come and ask!

The School Counselors are attending workshops and professional development conferences this week.  Ms. Valenzuela and Mr. Callahan are working on “Executive Functioning: What is it? How Do We Support Students?”, at the Bangkok Counselors quarterly meeting, hosted here at ISB and presented by our very own school psychologists Ryan Ruhl and Matthew Johnson.  Mr. Davy is at the annual International Schools Counselor Association (ISCA) meeting and will bring back valuable information on how we can best support our students.

Counseling office at least 10 days in advance if any documents are needed to support the student’s application.


Season Three Spirit Night Part 1
Derrick Quinet

Join us for an incredible weekend of international competition, as ISB hosts three highly entertaining sports exchanges featuring some of the very best international school teams from the region.

ISB International Badminton Exchange Schedule

ISB International Baseball / Softball Exchange Schedule

Friday night is the first of two Spirit Nights this season, so hang out under the lights with good food and good company, cheering on our Panthers!

We hope to see you at the games.



Derrick Quinet

Good luck to our track & field athletes as they head to Taipei to compete in an extraordinary mid-season meet hosted by TAS. In addition to the northern IASAS schools, a number of high powered APAC teams will be in attendance, along with the American School Japan. This will be an excellent opportunity for our athletes to test themselves against quality competing and return home motivated for the stretch run of season three.



IB ARTS MADNESS – March 18th and 19th – CC Building

Anthony Giles

Come and enjoy a showcase of Arts events from the world of IB Dance, Theatre, Film, Music and Art next Monday and Tuesday in the CC Building! IB Art pieces will be on show in the CCT Foyer, and on stage you will see student performance works as diverse as solo and ensemble dance, theatre pieces which are comic and those which are dramatic, classical violin pieces and modern songs from the IB music students, and student-scripted and student-edited films from our Film students. Monday will highlight the Year 2 work – some of which is final exam – and Tuesday is for the Year 1s to showcase their work as they begin their journey in IB. Tuesday will also spotlight the Advanced Drama students and the Middle School Dance Team. Entry is free, so please come and support your ISB Arts students this Monday and Tuesday!


IB Art and Film Exhibition Opening
Anthony Giles

IB Art and Film Exhibition Opening – 6:30pm Wednesday, March 27, 2019 CCT and Foyer Preview on March 27th during lunch!!!



ISB JAZZ NIGHT  – 6:30pm Tuesday, March 26, 2019 MPB
Anthony Giles

ISB’s annual Jazz Night Concert will take place in the MPB on Tuesday, March 26th, 2019 beginning at 6:30 pm.

This year’s concert features the ISB Elementary Orff Ensemble under the direction of Ms. Angela Wong, a music teachers 
jazz combo, and also our 8 talented IASAS Cultural Convention vocal delegates, all in collaboration with HS Jazz Band.
They will be performing a wide range of jazz music, including swing, shuffle, ballad and latin styles.  You’ll hear a few classics 
such as ‘Shadow of Your Smile’ and ‘The Way You Look Tonight.’  The concert closes with a fun medley of popular Beatles tunes.
So come out and enjoy of fun evening of great jazz with our many talented ISB musicians!  The concert is free admission and all
are invited!


Graduation Announcement Cards for Seniors
Vartika Bawa
HS PTA Coordinator

The class of 2019 is just months away from graduating and it is time to order announcement cards. Ordering these cards is optional and there is no minimum nor maximum amount to order. Cards are a tradition in North America, and are sent by parents to friends and family to announce the graduation of their Seniors. Orders must be placed and payment received by Wednesday 20th March, so order now! A sample announcement card can be found on the payment drop box beginning on Tuesday, 12th March. 

Photos of a card sample and this link to the order form was also sent to parents of Seniors. Thank you! Go Seniors!

Parent Graduation Committee

Vartika Bawa-

Link to the ordering details:



Graduation Photo for the class of 2019 : Capture the Moment!
Eriko Sugawara

Dear Seniors & Parents,

We are pleased to inform you that Firstpix will help with our graduation ceremony this year again for personal photographers and/or photo packages. 

Personal Photographer
A photo of your child in their gown and cap with their diploma in hand, with Phuang Malai hanging from their neck is certainly important on this big day. But there are plenty of good photo opportunities before and after the ceremony: photos that are more candid and tell a story. Your personal photographer will follow you and capture your special moments all day (9:30am – 6:00pm). You can also share a photographer with a friend (limited to 2 families per photographer). Please click on Personal Photographer for more details and booking. Questions? email 10% of the sales will go to the graduation committee to cover the cost of reception. 

Photo Package
Visit the Photo Booth near the Rajendra Hall to take pictures individually, or with family and friends. The Photo Booth will be open throughout the graduation day. More details and pre-order forms will be available soon on High School eNews.

Graduation Committee 2019
Eriko Sugawara



Kylie Harter

Girls designing & fabricating projects in wood

(for girls Grade 4 – Grade 12)

Space for 15 participants. No prior experience required

A small fee will apply.

First workshop session:

Saturday 6 April, 2019

9:00am – 12:00noon

* Registration required

Fab Girls of ISB is a hands-on design and building program for girls ages 10 -18 years of age. Working predominantly with wood, the participants will learn how to make their designs a reality. After an initial introductory Saturday session to familiarize themselves with the Inventions Center workspace, tools, equipment and materials, the group will go on to identify and adopt different projects through which to work and learn. These community service based projects will be designed to foster creativity, curiosity, grit and meaningful connections with peers and communities outside of ISB, through problem solving and hands-on construction. Registration is required as spaces are limited. A small fee will apply. If interested, please see or email Mr. Ortwein, Ms. Steward in the High School or Ms. Harter in the Middle School.


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