IB ARTS MADNESS – March 18th and 19th – CC Building

Anthony Giles

Come and enjoy a showcase of Arts events from the world of IB Dance, Theatre, Film, Music and Art next Monday and Tuesday in the CC Building! IB Art pieces will be on show in the CCT Foyer, and on stage you will see student performance works as diverse as solo and ensemble dance, theatre pieces which are comic and those which are dramatic, classical violin pieces and modern songs from the IB music students, and student-scripted and student-edited films from our Film students. Monday will highlight the Year 2 work – some of which is final exam – and Tuesday is for the Year 1s to showcase their work as they begin their journey in IB. Tuesday will also spotlight the Advanced Drama students and the Middle School Dance Team. Entry is free, so please come and support your ISB Arts students this Monday and Tuesday!

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