All School eNews- Spirit Night, Season Three and much more!

Spirit Night, Part I: Badminton, Baseball, and Softball Exchanges – This FRIDAY!

Don’t miss this massive weekend of high quality games and fun at ISB, March 14-17. ISB will host the IASAS Badminton Exchange North, along with invitees UWC-East, with games scheduled for Friday and Saturday. Okinawa, Japan, and Doha join us for baseball and softball!


The fun doesn’t stop in Rajendra though, as we host what will likely be the most competitive baseball and softball tournament ever to hit campus, with American School Japan, Kubasaki H.S. from Okinawa, and the American School Doha all descending upon campus for four days of play on the diamond.


Friday, March 15 will be the first of two spirit nights this season, with all our delicious food vendors, the Booster Hut, and thrills galore. Bing your friends! Bring your family! Grab your black & gold gear and cheer on our Panthers, right here where the nights are coolish and the action is hot!

Mindstorms Robotics Open Competition 2

The “UPLift” Competition will be held this Saturday March 16th. Students have worked hard to create a dazzling array of robots with incredible ‘uplifting’ powers!  Prepare to be amazed! Competition begins at 10:00 in the Invention Center.

Anthony A. Giles, Director of Arts & Activities 

IB Arts Madness – March 18th and 19th – CC Building

Come and enjoy a showcase of Arts events from the world of IB Dance, Theatre, Film, Music and Art next Monday and Tuesday in the CC Building! IB Art pieces will be on show in the CCT Foyer, and on stage you will see student performance works as diverse as solo and ensemble dance, theatre pieces which are comic and those which are dramatic, classical violin pieces and modern songs from the IB music students, and student-scripted and student-edited films from our Film students. Monday will highlight the Year 2 work – some of which is final exam – and Tuesday is for the Year 1s to showcase their work as they begin their journey in IB. Tuesday will also spotlight the Advanced Drama students and the Middle School Dance Team. Entry is free, so please come and support your ISB Arts students this Monday and Tuesday!


ISB Jazz Night – 6:30pm Tuesday, March 26, 2019 MPB

ISB’s annual Jazz Night Concert will take place in the MPB on Tuesday, March 26th, 2019 beginning at 6:30 pm.

This year’s concert features the ISB Elementary Orff Ensemble under the direction of Ms. Angela Wong, a music teachers 
jazz combo, and also our 8 talented IASAS Cultural Convention vocal delegates, all in collaboration with HS Jazz Band.

They will be performing a wide range of jazz music, including swing, shuffle, ballad and latin styles.  You’ll hear a few classics such as ‘Shadow of Your Smile’ and ‘The Way You Look Tonight.’  The concert closes with a fun medley of popular Beatles tunes.

So come out and enjoy of fun evening of great jazz with our many talented ISB musicians!  The concert is free admission and all
are invited!

Learn more about ISB’s Curriculum, from the experts- Date change

Parent Workshop – Curriculum Development at ISB: Principles and Practices

Friday  April 5, 2019
9:30am -11:00am in MPB 1

Curriculum is a very important part of schooling and a topic common to all educators but less so for parents. Teachers are writing, reviewing and adjusting curriculum on a daily basis in order to provide the best learning for their students. There is often a belief that the standards or resources are the curriculum but this is an inaccurate assumption. Our curriculum is multi-faceted and driven by the broader goals of our school to include ISB’s Vision and Mission, Definition of Learning, Attributes and Values.

Please join Dr. Elizabeth Rossini and Bronwyn Weale from ISB’s Learning Design Center (LD) for a discussion regarding curriculum development at ISB.


Elizabeth Rossini, PhD, Director of Curriculum and Professional Learning   


Spring MAP Testing

Dear Parents,

In the coming weeks, learners in grades 3-8 will again be taking the MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) test.  This allows us to measure growth while still having time in our school year to address areas of concern and build on strength areas.

MAP is a standardized test and is only one part of ISB’s overall assessment plan.  MAP testing is given twice a year, in the fall and in the spring.  MAP provides a standardized measure of student growth in Reading and Mathematics based on our curricular standards.  MAP testing is done on a computer and each test adapts to the student’s previous answers, so if they answer a question correctly, the test gets progressively more challenging.  If a student answers a question incorrectly, the test adapts to become easier.

A true picture of a child’s academic progress must include a variety of opportunities to demonstrate learning such as ongoing formative assessments given regularly in class; evidence of understanding such as writing samples, projects, and presentations; and teacher designed assessments.  Teachers collect a range of learning data to help them determine where students are in their learning and where they are ready to go next.  MAP is a single piece of your child’s learning picture.

MAP measures your child’s achievement level compared to other students who have taken this test.  However, the student sample is drawn from US public and private schools, not international schools.  The test does not cover all academic skills, nor does it cover such areas as physical, artistic, or interpersonal skills.

As with any standardized assessment, students can become anxious about how they will perform.  You can support your child by ensuring that s/he gets a good night’s sleep, has a healthy breakfast, and comes to school knowing that this is important, and they can do it!

If you have any questions, you can look at the NWEA website or contact me (

Results will be shared with parents and an informational meeting scheduled after the testing is completed.

Your partner in learning,

Debi Caskey
Deputy Head of School for Learning


Red Cross Blood Drive 25th March 2019!

The Thailand Red Cross never has enough blood. To help with this we have organized the donation center to come to ISB on 25th March to collect blood from willing donors. This blood drive is called the “Khun Wut Blood Drive” to honor Khun Wut, a ISB staff member who has donated blood over 100 times. Blood that is donated will be used by the Red Cross for potentially life saving blood, plasma and platelet transfusions.

Sterile techniques are used for blood donations and all blood is screened for infectious diseases after it is donated. All potential donors should be fit and healthy on the day of donation and will need to fill in a questionnaire prior to donation (please see donation guidelines below to see if you are ok to donate). Donors should be 17-55 years old and will be reviewed by the donation team to ensure they are ok to donate (this includes a check of their hemoglobin prior to donation). Questionnaire forms are available to pick up from the ISB Health Clinic if you would like to fill them out before the day to save you time

when you donate. Potential donors should ensure they are well rested, well hydrated and have a low fat breakfast/lunch prior to donating.

If you are willing to donate (and meet the criteria below) please sign up at the ISB Health Clinic. We ask potential donors to nominate a time (30 minute time slot) they would be able to donate so we can limit waiting times and ensure the Red Cross have enough staff to cope with donor numbers. Donation times are 9am-12pm and 1-3pm.

Thailand Red Cross Donation Criteria

The Red Cross defines an acceptable donor as one whom:

  • Is between the ages of 17-55.
  • Weighs at least 45 kg (99 lbs).

You will not be able to donate if:

  • Are pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • Gave birth or had a miscarriage in the past six months.
  • Had diarrhea in the past seven days.

.        Had unintentional rapid weight loss within the past three months

  • Had dental treatment in the past three days.
  • Had major surgery in the past six months or minor surgery in the past seven days.
  • Have a history of drug use or been imprisoned in the past three years.
  • Received a blood transfusion in the past year.
  • Visited any area where malaria is endemic in the past year or actually had malaria in the past three years.
  • Resided in the UK for more than 3 months during the period 1980-1996 or received a blood transfusion in UK during that time.
  • Resided in the Europe for more than 5 years during the period 1980-present.
  • Have taken any medication other than Paracetamol/acetaminophen.
  • Have tested positive for hepatitis B or C in the past.

.        Have family members diagnosed with hepatitis within the past 6 months.

  • Have asthma, epilepsy, chronic skin disease, chronic cough, tuberculosis, allergies, high blood pressure, heart/kidney/thyroid disease, cancer, bleeding disorder, etc.
  • Have had ear/body piercings, tattoos made or removed, or acupuncture in the past year.
  • Have received any vaccinations in the last 2 months or received vaccination against Yellow Fever in the last 2 weeks.
  • Have received a serum injection in the past year.
  • Consumed alcohol in the preceding 24 hours.

You may not be able to donate:

  • Have taken any medication other than Paracetamol/acetaminophen (the staff will discuss this with you on the donation day.

Before donating blood you should:

  • Get enough sleep (at least six hours).
  • Drink at least 3-4 cups of pure water to prepare your system and avoid getting dizzy.

–     Do not consume alcohol in the 24 hours prior to donating.

  • Eat something healthy that is low in fat. No high fat foods for 6 hours preceding donation.
  • Refrain from smoking at least one hour before and after the donation.

Board of Trustees Annual Election, 2019

The ISB Board of Trustees would like to announce its annual election, which will take place on Tuesday, May 14, 2019, the day of the International School Association (ISA) Annual General Meeting. (The ISA is comprised of all ISB parents and guardians and is the license holder of ISB.) Election results will be announced that evening at the 7:00 pm AGM. Board nominations open on Friday, March 15 and close on Friday, April 12.

The ISB Board of Trustees is currently composed of eleven elected positions and up to four appointed positions. This year there will be eight open seats on the Board to be filled by election. Newly elected trustees will serve a two-year term, beginning August 1, 2019. 

Candidates for the Board of Trustees (BOT) should be aware of the many rewards and responsibilities of serving on the Board. The Board is the guardian of the school’s mission, and as such sets policy, focuses on school governance and addresses long-term, strategic issues. The Board is not involved in day-to-day school management. The full Board meets once a month in an open regular session, followed by a closed executive session. Board meetings occur in the evenings at ISB and last approximately two-three hours. In addition, trustees attend an annual retreat in August.

Trustees also serve on one or more committees corresponding to their skills and interests. Current committees are the Business Committee, the Committee on Trustees, and the Strategic Improvement and Learning Committee. Committees meet once a month for one-two hours and are the working groups of the Board. Subjects such as financial stability, budget oversight, stewardship of ISB’s educational program, evaluation and training of the Board, and future strategic improvements in alignment with the mission of ISB, are examples of issues addressed by the committees.

Trustees are charged with the responsibility to represent ISB and the ISA as a whole, rather than any one constituency within the community. No specific professional or personal background is needed, other than ISA membership, a positive attitude, the ability to commit to the time requirements, and a deep interest to maintain and further enhance the excellence of ISB. The rewards of Board service include the opportunity to interact with our dynamic school leadership team, and the opportunity to understand and help shape ISB’s future growth and direction.

Please note these important election dates and activities:

  • Friday, March 15, 2019, 12 noon  – Nominations open – Nomination forms will be available at the Head of School’s office or available for download here:
  • Tuesday, April 09, 2019, 6:30 pm, MPB3  –  “What is a Trustee?” This is an information session on what it means to be a Trustee. All interested parties and community members are welcome.
  • Thursday, April 12, 2019, 12 noon – Nominations close – Nomination forms must be submitted in both electronic and hard copy by this deadline. Electronic copies must be sent to BOT Secretary, Joy Davy at (with your name as the subject) and hard copies must be filed with Khun Oor in the Head of School’s office.
  • Tuesday, May 14, 2019 – Election, 7:00 am – 6:00 pm & AGM, 7:00 pm

Please contact Dr. Henrietta Bullinger, Chair, Committee on Trustees, with questions regarding service to the Board: 092-249-0937 or

Committee on Trustees:

Dr. Henrietta Bullinger
Nimit Damrongrat
John Heinecke
Grainne MacRae
Andy Richter
Jessica Zaman

ISB Board of Trustees

BOT 2019 nomination form



This season, ISB is excited to host the IASAS Baseball & Softball Championships, from April 11-13. This tournament promises to deliver dozens of highlights and high-quality games to our campus, plus it will supercharge our community and inspire our aspiring IASAS athletes! 

We desperately need our community support to make this another unforgettable event at ISB. We are expecting 120 incoming athletes from the IASAS schools in Taipei, Jakarta, Singapore, Manila, and Kuala Lumpur, and we need your help hosting these athletes.



These exceptional IASAS opportunities for students only exist with the gracious hospitality and unwavering generosity of our community, and ISB is renowned for our community spirit and culture of care. Please help support our ISB program by signing up to host baseball or softball athletes,  and help us represent the very best of our school and Thailand!

Once you have registered, we will send you more details in the coming weeks, including hosting expectations, tournament schedule, pickup times, and your list of students.


Please note that the IASAS tournament goes into the Songkran holiday, which is all the more reason we need your help! We will have all the students dropped off by 7am on Sunday, April 14, in case you would like to book trips later that afternoon.

Thank you once again for your support and this vital contribution to our program.  


Derrick Quinet 
Athletic Director


Help at the Spirit Tent — Badminton, Baseball, and Softball Exchanges!

Come out and support our ISB students for another big sports weekend at ISB, March 14-17, by working at the Booster Spirit Tent as we host IASAS Badminton as well as Baseball and Softball.

Friday, March 15 will be the first of two spirit nights this season. With our delicious food vendors serving up great food, plan on bringing the family out for dinner to enjoy some ISB sports fun!

See the below schedules for reference to sign up for the Spirit Tent. 



Maria Van Zant, Booster Hut President


ISB Seeks a Community Sports Manager

ISB offers multiple opportunities for students through extra-curricular activities that are organized through the Community Arts Office.  The Community Sports Manager will be responsible for organizing and managing community sports activities and promoting a positive experience for the students, parents, and coaches.

The Community Sports Manager will work under the supervision of the Director of Arts and Community Activities to manage the community athletics events and programs administered through that office.  This person will be working with parents, students, coaches, multiple departments within ISB, and outside groups wanting to sponsor community activities at ISB.  This is a classified position and will follow the ISB school calendar. Flexibility in working hours is required.

Preferred Qualities and Experience

  • Experience with athletics or activities programming (desirable)

  • Commitment to working on evenings and weekends

  • Demonstrated excellent interpersonal and highly developed communication (listening, written and oral) skills

  • Be student-centered, open, approachable, positive and supportive of school initiatives

  • Demonstrate excellent analytical, decision-making, and planning skills

  • Ability to work collaboratively with school constituencies from diverse backgrounds

  • Strong consensus building skills

  • Empathic, trustworthy, open-minded, approachable, dedicated, energetic

  • Creative problem solver

If you, or anyone you know is interested in applying for this position, please go to our ISB website and complete the online application.  Please contact Debi Caskey, Deputy Head of School for Learning ( if you have any questions.

Debi Caskey, Deputy Head of School for Learning


The Booster Hut Also Needs You!

A number of our dedicated Booster Club volunteers will be moving at the end of this school year, and so we’re looking for parents interested in helping us support our kids in arts, academics, and athletics. Joining the Booster Club is a great way to get more involved at school and is also lots of fun. You can also sign up here for the occasional shift working in the Booster Hut. For more information, please contact Maria Van Zant at

Maria Van Zant, Booster Hut Presedent


Take the Free ISB Parent Shuttle Service from Downtown to ISB

We are pleased to be trialling a shuttle service between ISB and downtown for our parents. On account of feedback received through the PTA from our parent community in town, we have chosen times which seem to work for the majority and one central stop of Emporium Suites, near the Phrom Phong BTS.

We will be assessing the frequency of use and also the convenience of the times over the next month, to determine the viability of this service.

At this stage, we are using a 13-seater van, as we do not anticipate great numbers at this stage. There is no need to book, you can simply meet at the ISB Panther, or the Emporium Suites Lobby 5 minutes before the van departure time to join the shuttle.

Should you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to email

Monday – Saturday (exclude public holidays, Professional days-no school for students)

ISB To Emporium Suites  6.00am
Emporium Suites to ISB  8.00am
ISB To Emporium suites  2.00pm
Emporium Suites to ISB  4.00pm

ISB re-enrollment for 2019-2020

It is that time of year again when we need to ask you to please confirm the enrollment of your child/children for the next school year. This re-enrollment process is important for us to be able to make accurate assessments of our enrollment for the 2019/20 school year. We sincerely hope that your family will be returning to ISB.   

Our parents are the foundation of our school and it is with your trust and support that we can continue to serve the needs of all our learners.

In order to inform us of your intention to stay at or leave ISB next year, please login to your Powerschool account and choose the ‘Re-enrollment’ button on the left-hand side. Even if you are not sure of your future situation you are still required to register your intention via Powerschool.  Please select “not sure” and inform ISB of your reason. Seats will become limited at certain grade levels, therefore we urge you to stay in regular contact to ensure a seat is saved for your child/children.


If you have questions about this process, please contact

If you have technical difficulties or are unable to login to powerschool, please email

Thank you for your attention to this important matter.












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