GCW Wrap Up

Andy Vaughan

On Tuesday this week we had our final GCW Meeting for all students. In this meeting students completed a final GCW survey providing feedback for future planning, as well as completing some of their reflections for GCW. I thought it would be great to share some of the comments that came from our students:

“Technology is less interesting than playing in the wild with creativity. Basically, physical fun is more better than technology fun.”

“That no matter how wealthy or poor you are you can still be successful and make yourself happy no matter the class.”

“That things that I take for granted, might mean the world to someone else”

“I often use my phone while eating lunch and dinner without knowing it. It’s a really natural reaction, which is sad. I learned that I can survive without a phone.”

“Some little things for us can matter a lot to others”

“Even though someone might be disabled, they feel the same thing we feel and enjoy the things we enjoy.”

“That doing things for people who need it is important, even if they aren’t there to see you do them.”

These quotes are just a few of the responses to the question, “What is something you learned on GCW that will stick with you for a long time?”. We know that not every student had similar experiences, but we hope that over the different experiences our students get on GCW, that their perspectives of the world we live in are expanded and enriched as they also enrich the communities they engage with.

Please also note that GCW refunds will not be finalised until early April, after the final budgets can be settled. In cases where there are funds remaining in course accounts, these are refunded equally to families in that course. Please look out for a message in the enews in early April confirming the courses that will receive a refund.

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