Concerning Internet Site

Recently, a concerning internet website called the Momo Challenge has surfaced worldwide.  The talk around it has been that after children view it and see a scary image of a face, they sometimes harm themselves/others.  It is important to know that in fact, there is no truth to the claim that this image/site causes children to self-harm or hurt others, This is an urban legend/hoax. However, the talk and image around this can be scary for children.

If your child talks about Momo Challenge you might consider the following:

  • Tell them that this story about Momo is not true; it is a lie that is scary for kids and adults to hear.
  • Let them know that because it is an untrue and scary story, children should not talk to other children about it.
  • Tell them that if they hear anyone talking about Momo Challenge, they should tell them that it is not true.
  • And, as we always teach students at ISB, tell them that if they look online and see anything that scares them or makes them uncomfortable, it is important to put the device down, walk away, and tell a grown up immediately.  

If you have any questions around this or if your child needs support, please reach out to a counselor.

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